


Buffs & Debuffs + Totem Art Bug

yah467958 opened this issue ยท 23 comments



I think I found another bugs, unfortunately :P

First one is Totem Art - it doesn't work at all

Second one is Buffs & Debuffs - after I finish arena sometimes buffs and debuffs are stucking at screen. I think it's starts happening after I put some debuffs to emphasized auras into list


Totem art works fine for me, it just doesn't display for every totem. I can't really say why it was setup this way but it won't display totem art of any totems without an element type.

This might just be left over code from previous expansions when the type sort of mattered as the totem type doesn't seem to be used anywhere in the addon anymore. I guess it would probably be fine to just remove that restriction and show totem art for all totems.

As for the auras getting stuck, do you have an image of the issue or some way to replicate it? Just to make it easier to look into as I do use emphasized auras and haven't come across this issue before.


Just right now I finally face some shaman at arena and yea... totem art work's - dunno why i didn't notice that, so sorry for bothering you ^^

Right now I don't have any image because i always forgetting to take screen, but gonna post it as soon as this problem accurs



Try running this /run SetCVar("threatWarning", 3) because it is dependent on this CVar and it might have been altered by another addon.


Alright, gonna try it tomorrow. And you have any idea why buffs sometimes stucking at screen?


Alright I took few screens:

Also can you check if threat warning glow working correctly?


In what scenario is warning glow supposedly not working? And is this for enemy or friendly nameplates?


Well for friendly plates make sure that Highlight Group Members holding Aggro is checked, it was working for me at least when I quickly checked with my pet.


I mean it doesn't show up at all at mobs when somebody took their agro - but i'm not sure if it works this way before or it was another widget.

Friendly plates.


Right now I marked every option to be sure I don't miss anything and It doesn't work, dunno what's going on :/


Might have found something but not sure if it's exactly what you are experiencing as it should, and is for me, disappearing when that nameplate is shown again.

But I'll fix the issue that I found in the next release and I'll guess we'll see if it fixes it for you or not.


Everything works lovely now! Awesome job, mate!

Also now I understand why warning glow don't worked for me(how I thought) - because I changed theme, and because for theme 'neon' warning glow is more visible compared to 'quatre' I thought it don't work ^^


Command that you post me helps! Thanks a lot!
On top of that 'Emphasize Hides Normal Aura' option stop working for me, like what happening?


It seems I accidentally broke this option when fixing another issue with Emphasized auras, should be fixed in the latest release.



I must inform you that the bug with freezing buffs returns or has never gone away :P


Hmm, I'll keep looking into but I still haven't successfully re-created the specific issue so it's a bit hard to figure out what is going on.


Could you possibly link me or post the contents of your NeatPlatesHub.lua file located in 'World of Warcraft/_retail/WTF/Account/accountID/SavedVariables'? Because I've probably spent a good hour or so trying different things in arena skirmishes and still can't recreate this :/


Here it is:

NeatPlatesHubSettings = {
["HubPanelProfileDMG"] = {
["TextShowOnlyOnActive"] = false,
["WidgetAuraSort"] = 1,
["TextShowOnlyOnTargets"] = false,
["ColorFriendlyBarMode"] = 1,
["FrameBarWidth"] = 1,
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["WidgetPandemic"] = false,
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["g"] = 0.588234007358551,
["b"] = 0.9019588232040405,
["StyleEnemyBarsOnElite"] = false,
["StyleEnemyBarsNoTotem"] = false,
["EnemySubtext"] = "None",
["IntCastWhoEnable"] = true,
["OpacityFilterFriendlyNPC"] = true,
["UnitSpotlightColor"] = {
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["g"] = 0,
["r"] = 0.8,
["FriendlySubtext"] = "None",
["StyleEnemyBarsClickThrough"] = false,
["StyleFriendlyBarsClickThrough"] = false,
["StyleFriendlyBarsNoTotem"] = false,
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["StyleFriendlyBarsOnPlayers"] = true,
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["ColorFriendlyNPC"] = {
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["EmphasizedAuraList"] = "Gladiator's Maledict\nPolymorph\nSap\nBlind\nSummon Infernal\nEntangling Roots\nMass Entanglement\nCharge\nEntrapment\nBinding Shot\nFreeze\nFrost Nova\nDisable\nEarthgrab Totem\nImprison\nDetainment\nIncapacitating Roar\nFreezing Trap\nWyvern Sting\nRing of Frost\nParalysis\nRepentance\nShackle Undead\nGouge\nSap\nHex\nBanish\nMortal Coil\nQuaking Palm\nBlinding Sleet\nCyclone\nScatter Shot\nDragon's Breath\nSong of Chi-Ji \nBlinding Light\nHoly Word: Chastise\nMind Control\nFear\nPsychic Scream\nHowl of Terror\nMesmerize\nSeduction\nIntimidating Shout\nAsphyxiate\nGnaw\nMonstrous Blow \nFel Eruption\nChaos Nova\nMaim\nMighty Bash\nIntimidation\nLeg Sweep\nHammer of Justice\nBetween the Eyes\nCheap Shot\nKidney Shot\nLightning Lasso\nPulverize \nCapacitor Totem\nAxe Toss\nShadowfury\nSummon Abyssal\nShockwave\nStorm Bolt\nWar Stomp\nTouch of Death\nVendetta\n",
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["WidgetThreatPercentage"] = false,
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["StyleFriendlyBarsOnActive"] = false,
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["EmphasizedAuraPriority"] = {
["Charge"] = 8,
["Lightning Lasso"] = 57,
["Detainment"] = 16,
["Polymorph"] = 2,
["Hammer of Justice"] = 53,
["Ring of Frost"] = 20,
["Freeze"] = 11,
["Blind"] = 4,
["Fel Eruption"] = 47,
["Psychic Scream"] = 39,
["Holy Word: Chastise"] = 36,
["Frost Nova"] = 12,
["Freezing Trap"] = 18,
["Earthgrab Totem"] = 14,
["Shackle Undead"] = 23,
["Gladiator s Maledict"] = 1,
["Scatter Shot"] = 32,
["Fear"] = 38,
["Hex"] = 26,
["Kidney Shot"] = 56,
["Storm Bolt"] = 64,
["Pulverize"] = 58,
["Maim"] = 49,
["Intimidation"] = 51,
["Sap"] = 25,
["Monstrous Blow "] = 46,
["Cheap Shot"] = 55,
["Summon Abyssal"] = 62,
["Mortal Coil"] = 28,
["Blinding Light"] = 35,
["Axe Toss"] = 60,
["Entrapment"] = 9,
["Entangling Roots"] = 6,
["Song of Chi-Ji "] = 34,
["Mesmerize"] = 41,
["Incapacitating Roar"] = 17,
["Banish"] = 27,
["Quaking Palm"] = 29,
["Seduction"] = 42,
["Gnaw"] = 45,
["War Stomp"] = 65,
["Disable"] = 13,
["Shadowfury"] = 61,
["Chaos Nova"] = 48,
["Touch of Death"] = 66,
["Binding Shot"] = 10,
["Between the Eyes"] = 54,
["Vendetta"] = 67,
["Mass Entanglement"] = 7,
["Imprison"] = 15,
["Shockwave"] = 63,
["Paralysis"] = 21,
["Capacitor Totem"] = 59,
["Blinding Sleet"] = 30,
["Wyvern Sting"] = 19,
["Leg Sweep"] = 52,
["Gouge"] = 24,
["Intimidating Shout"] = 43,
["Dragon s Breath"] = 33,
["Mind Control"] = 37,
["Mighty Bash"] = 50,
["Cyclone"] = 31,
["Asphyxiate"] = 44,
["Howl of Terror"] = 40,
["Summon Infernal"] = 5,
["Repentance"] = 22,
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["StyleEnemyBarsOnActive"] = true,
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["OpacityFilterEnemyPlayers"] = false,
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["EmphasizedAuraLookup"] = {
["Charge"] = 1,
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["Detainment"] = 1,
["Polymorph"] = 1,
["Hammer of Justice"] = 1,
["Ring of Frost"] = 1,
["Freeze"] = 1,
["Blind"] = 1,
["Fel Eruption"] = 1,
["Psychic Scream"] = 1,
["Holy Word: Chastise"] = 1,
["Frost Nova"] = 1,
["Freezing Trap"] = 1,
["Earthgrab Totem"] = 1,
["Shackle Undead"] = 1,
["Gladiator s Maledict"] = 1,
["Scatter Shot"] = 1,
["Fear"] = 1,
["Hex"] = 1,
["Kidney Shot"] = 1,
["Storm Bolt"] = 1,
["Pulverize"] = 1,
["Maim"] = 1,
["Intimidation"] = 1,
["Sap"] = 1,
["Monstrous Blow "] = 1,
["Cheap Shot"] = 1,
["Summon Abyssal"] = 1,
["Mortal Coil"] = 1,
["Blinding Light"] = 1,
["Axe Toss"] = 1,
["Entrapment"] = 1,
["Entangling Roots"] = 1,
["Song of Chi-Ji "] = 1,
["Mesmerize"] = 1,
["Incapacitating Roar"] = 1,
["Banish"] = 1,
["Quaking Palm"] = 1,
["Seduction"] = 1,
["Gnaw"] = 1,
["War Stomp"] = 1,
["Disable"] = 1,
["Shadowfury"] = 1,
["Chaos Nova"] = 1,
["Touch of Death"] = 1,
["Binding Shot"] = 1,
["Between the Eyes"] = 1,
["Vendetta"] = 1,
["Mass Entanglement"] = 1,
["Imprison"] = 1,
["Shockwave"] = 1,
["Paralysis"] = 1,
["Capacitor Totem"] = 1,
["Blinding Sleet"] = 1,
["Wyvern Sting"] = 1,
["Leg Sweep"] = 1,
["Gouge"] = 1,
["Intimidating Shout"] = 1,
["Dragon s Breath"] = 1,
["Mind Control"] = 1,
["Mighty Bash"] = 1,
["Cyclone"] = 1,
["Asphyxiate"] = 1,
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["Summon Infernal"] = 1,
["Repentance"] = 1,
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I hope you gonna find something :D


Now I noticed that I added Gladiator's Maledict to emphasized auras. But when I think about it I didn't noticed debuff from that item even once. Maybe it's happening because of it?


It would be quite odd if it was happening due to a specific debuff. But I guess you could potentially remove stuff bit by bit and see if the issue persists.


What I can tell you to help you.

This bug starts when I put a lot of debuffs on emphasized aura list.
It's looks like buffs(and only buffs) freez when I die on arena.


Could you try unchecking "Hide Aura Widget in Headline Mode" to see if it helps?

Because I'm currently thinking there might be some weird interaction there as it stops updating the aura icons when they're hidden.


Ok, gonna uncheck it right now and I will start removing 1 by 1 debuffs from emphasized option. I will let you know if something gonna change but it might take some time since I don't have to much time to play.


After unchecking 'hide aura widget in headline mode' bug still exist, also deleting Gladiator's Maledict from list doesn't help. Gonna try now to turn off 'emphazise hides normal aura'