


Healthbars issue

yishuangfrank opened this issue · 13 comments


Sometime, The percentage of the healthbar doesn't synchronize with the target frame’s.
Like the following picture:
tim 20181112190746


Closing this as it is now part of the latest release.


I've never seen my healthbar be out of sync, nor can I seem to recreate this when trying. So I would need some more context on how to replicate this issue.

Secondly, could you check if it's just the graphic being out of sync or the entire plate by changing "Enemy Status Text" to "Health Total & Percent" and see if those values are out of sync as well?


This issue has existed for a long time.
Raid “Dragon Soul”,the 7th boss “DeathWing“,NPC ”Hideous Amalgamation“
When it gets 9 layers of buff, kill it.


Thanks. I'll try it tomorrow.


tim 20181113232537


The only way I've been able to replicate something similar to this issue is by removing the event handler for "UNIT_HEALTH_FREQUENT". Which leads me to believe this is caused by either the server not sending the event, or the UnitID provided by this function is sometimes incorrect.

I've switched the event from "UNIT_HEALTH_FREQUENT" to just "UNIT_HEALTH" in this test version, hopefully that makes it better because otherwise I have actually no clue as to what is possibly causing this issue, since I can't replicate it at all. And if that does work then I can probably work that into an actual release.


This version works better and I will test it more.
Does TidyPlatesContinued.6.21.13-pre3 include the change?


No, only that specific version does.

The test/debug version uses a method that gets throttled when under load while the normal version uses one that shouldn't get throttled. But if this version is performing better, then I'm assuming there is something going on with certain regions/realms and the un-throttled version of that method. And using both would, in most cases, cause a large amount of unnecessary updates to the healthbar which I would want to avoid if possible.

I will test a few things and see if I can come up with a middle ground that I am happy with.


OK. Thanks a lot.


In the latest pre-release(pre5). There is now a setting for using frequent health updates or not, defaults to enabled, in the main settings menu.


I can't un-check “Use Frequent Health Updates” in pre-release(pre5).
It can't be saved.


Seems I overlooked something. I've added another version(pre6), it should now work properly.

