


An issue

yishuangfrank opened this issue · 13 comments


The nameplates of Souls can't change the colors according to my threat in Mythic Dungeon(Reaping).
It works well in other cases.


I'm not sure what I can do about this as they don't seem to report threat properly like normal mobs. Gonna do some more testing to confirm and if anything can be done but doesn't look good.

My friend uses this addon which works well for Souls' threat.
Maybe it has reference value for you.

BTW, the nameplate of current target is not obvious for me.
Is it possible that I can change its color?


NeatPlates_Quatre,and I am a mage.
Looking forward to your good news.

I contacted the writer of PlateColor and he also told me Souls didn't report threat.
He just considered the targets of the Souls and gave me the following code :

hooksecurefunc("CompactUnitFrame_OnUpdate", function(frame)
if C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateForUnit(frame.unit) ~= C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateForUnit("player") and not UnitIsPlayer(frame.unit) and not CompactUnitFrame_IsTapDenied(frame) then
local me = UnitName("player")
local pt = UnitIsUnit(frame.unit.."target", me)
local guid = UnitGUID(frame.unit)
local _, _, _, _, _, id = strsplit("-", guid or "")

if (id == "148893" or id == "148894" or id == "148716") and pt == true and == true then //3 kinds of Souls:148893,148894,148716
r, g, b = PlateColorDB.color.rgb2.r,PlateColorDB.color.rgb2.g,PlateColorDB.color.rgb2.b
r, g, b = 1, 0, 0
frame.healthBar:SetStatusBarColor(r, g, b, 1)


I was already considering doing it like this by only considering if the unit is targeting you or not. However, I wanted to see if there was some other way of handling this that could have worked as a fallback if it happened in the future.
But at least this solution should work and hopefully Blizz will do something about it so this isn't necessary.


I'll check it out and see if I can find how that addon does it.

As for changing the color of current target, I guess I could add an option for it but I think it might cause some issues when interacting with the other color functions.
So this is something I will have to think about what the best approach might be.

Which theme are you using btw? Because this might also just be something that is particularly bad for some themes.


I used the latest version these days, and it worked well for Souls.
Do you have any plans for adding the new feature(changing the color of current target).
The white border for current target is not obvious for me.


I totally forgot that we talked about that.
But turns out that it was a lot more straightforward than I had first expected which made it quite easy to add. So the latest release should have an implementation of this as well as the ability to set custom colors for both Focus and Mouseover in addition to the Target.


BTW,you can update the localization file of Chinese.

use custom target color:目标使用自定义颜色
use custom focus color:焦点使用自定义颜色
use custom mouseover color:鼠标指向使用自定义颜色
color is defined under the ‘Reaction’ category:“反应”,“其他颜色”下选择颜色
target unit:目标单位
focus unit:焦点单位
mouseover unit:鼠标指向单位


I did think of some these issues while implementing this. And looking the the "Target Nameplate Indicator" addon, I'm thinking it might be better to change the current highlight system into something that would allow for more customization, such as highlight type or color of the highlight. As opposed to the current implementation.


I disabled "use custom target color" and downloaded “Target Nameplate Indicator”. But I am still not uesd to it now. I am looking for your great idea for highlight system. How about bold borde?

BTW, The target color is not gray(touched by hostile player) after I disabled "use custom target color" in the latest version.


It is amazing that we can custom target/focus/mouseover units' color!
However, I find that color the target's nameplate is not ideal.

  1. When the target's threat change
  2. When the target is touched by hostile player first

The custom color will override original one.
I was wondering if it will be better that adding an icon on the nameplate, just like Target Nameplate Indicator.


tim 20190306171409

How about the border of target nameplate can be changed?
width and color.


updated to 6.23-beta2
It's awesome!