


Neatplate Error

LasVenturas92 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Ive got this since like a week a few minutes ingame and i get

Message: Interface\AddOns\NeatPlates\NeatPlatesCore.lua:707: attempt to index field 'focus' (a nil value)
Time: Sun Jun 16 15:48:40 2019
Count: 3430
Stack: Interface\AddOns\NeatPlates\NeatPlatesCore.lua:707: attempt to index field 'focus' (a nil value)
Interface\AddOns\NeatPlates\NeatPlatesCore.lua:707: in function <Interface\AddOns\NeatPlates\NeatPlatesCore.lua:703>
Interface\AddOns\NeatPlates\NeatPlatesCore.lua:340: in function <Interface\AddOns\NeatPlates\NeatPlatesCore.lua:325>
Interface\AddOns\NeatPlates\NeatPlatesCore.lua:457: in function <Interface\AddOns\NeatPlates\NeatPlatesCore.lua:447>
Interface\AddOns\NeatPlates\NeatPlatesCore.lua:166: in function <Interface\AddOns\NeatPlates\NeatPlatesCore.lua:143>

Locals: current = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) =
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'focus' (a nil value)"
unit =

guid = "Creature-0-3113-1643-12031-131387-0003063987"
isMouseover = false
class = ""
rawName = "Coppertail Fox"
threatSituation = "LOW"
red = 0.999998
levelcolorRed = 1
unitid = "nameplate3"
isMini = false
pvpname = "Coppertail Fox"
levelcolorBlue = 0
isInCombat = false
isBoss = false
isFocus = false
healthmax = 66221
isTarget = false
levelcolorGreen = 0.820000
absorbmax = 0
isTapped = false
absorb = 0
blue = 0
style = "Default"
isMarked = false
level = 120
type = "NPC"
isCasting = false
reaction = "NEUTRAL"
green = 0.999998
health = 66221
threatValue = 0
isDangerous = false
name = "Coppertail Fox"
style =
customtext =
highlight =
threatcolor =
spellicon =
spelltext =
target =
level =
castnostop =
healthbar =
healthborder =
skullicon =
threatborder =
mouseover =
focus =
castbar =
name =
castborder =
hitbox =
eliteicon =
frame =
rangeindicator =
raidicon =
visual =
highlight = {
customtext = {
healthbar = {
healthborder = {
castborder = {
threatborder = {
skullicon = {
castnostop = {
spellicon = {
eliteicon = {
name = {
spelltext = {
target = {
level = {
castbar = {
raidicon = {

And yes iam on the latest version and i tried reinstall and all


This seems to be the same issue as #95, and as I mentioned there this error doesn't really make sense when looking at the code. Because some of the texture frames seem to be missing, but only the new ones added in 6.23. The ones that existed previously seem to still be there and if it just didn't create the new ones the error should occur at a different point in the code.

My best guess right now is that this might be something related to caching.
I would try clearing your cache by removing the Cache folder located in your retail WoW folder World of Warcraft\_retail_ and see if that helps.


Clearing my cache didnt work


Does this still happen if Neatplates is the only active addon? And if it does could you attach your NeatPlatesHub.lua file located here: World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\ACCOUNTID\SavedVariables so I can easily rule out if this is caused by an interaction of certain settings, as I'm having a really hard time getting this error to occur on my end.


Ok i guess i figured it out, somehow for some reason i had Tidyplates in the list and it was running, after i removed it it stopped giving errors


Glad you got it fixed, and that explains why the old frames where there but not the new ones.