


LFGMe is a small addon that saves some typing. This quality of life mod came about because I have some hand issues and wanted to type a bit less when looking for a group. LFGMe adds a small icon/button to your screen which can be moved or locked in place, as well as a hidden text form usable on demand to create your LFG message. and using the LFGMe frame you fill a couple form fields in then hit the button to send your MSG to the LFG chat.

Example LFG Chat: 28 Rogue DPS LFG  SFK Lets Go

Left click the icon: Sends your Message to the LFG Chat.

Middle Click the icon: Locks the icon in place.

Right Click the icon: resends your last LFG Message.


Add some more error handling.
LFGMe currently saves your last entered chat data even after a logout. I would like to make this happen on a per character basis not account wide.

I am trying to figure a way to make LFGMe allow Guests to be shift-clicked to add a quest link to additional information.

Maybe moreā€¦

A shout out here for ChatGPT. I was playing with the AI one day just curious what all it could do and thought I wonder if it can write me an addon. The short answer was not really but with some effort I was able to write the vast  majority of the addon with ChatGPT. Along the way I learned some lua and had a good time.

ChatGPT /