Nephilist Garrison

Nephilist Garrison


Nephilist Garrison improves how the garrison interface displays important information while remaining clean, simple, and unobtrusive.

  • Mission list shows enemy threats and which you can counter
  • Mission list shows follower slots, reward iLevel
  • In-progress mission list sorted by time remaining
  • Follower list shows XP gain if assigned to mission
  • Search followers by clicking on ability, trait, or counter icons
  • "Mission complete" alerts show in chat instead of a pop-up window

New in latest version:

  • Updated to work with patch 6.2.2
  • Automatic animation skipping not yet re-implemented

Several features from previous versions are now part of the base game:

  • Follower list shows time remaining on mission
  • Follower list shows counters even when working or on mission
  • Click threats to search for followers who can counter it
  • Mission list shows reward XP