Never Locky

Never Locky


WoW Classic Addon for managing curse, banish, and soul stone assignments.

If other warlocks in the raid have the addon installed it will display their soul stone cooldown.

Updating the assignments in the UI and sending the changes will update the assignments on other warlock's screens.

Current Features:
- Version 1.0

     - An overall view with all of the warlocks in the party / raid will be shown to allow the following assignable jobs:

            - Curse Assignments

            - Banish Assignments

            - Soulstone Assignments

     -A cool down timer for each warlock will be shown if they have the addon installed as well.

-Version 1.1

     - Assignment confirmation when new assignments are sent and received.

     - Version tracking that shows if you or other warlocks are running an out of date version.

     - If a warlock is running an out of date version it will not allow them to publish updated assignments to prevent data corruption.

     - Macro button for curse assignments that will update automatically to the assigned curse.

     - Sending assignments to custom channels.

Feature requests  are being considered for this addon. 

Features being PLANNED include:

-Version 1.1:

     - Solo mode that shows yourself in a smaller frame to allow you to leverage the curse macro.

     - Sub window with anchor button to maintain your personal assignments on the screen while also giving you quick access to the raid window to check other warlock's status.

     - Removal of SS selection limitations.

- Version 1.2:

     - Notification system that will show messages when action is needed I.E - SS needed, Curse Needed, Banish wearing off....

Source code is available on Github