New Loot Pool

New Loot Pool



  • Maintains an item pool with a GUI.
    • Adds items that you loot.
    • Monitors your bags and removes items when they leave your bags.
    • Displays stackable and non-stackable items separately.
    • Empty-pool button on anchor frame.
  • Non-stackable items
    • Click to ignore, destroy, or sell at a merchant. 
    • Bag-slot specific tooltips.
  • Stackable items
    • Click to ignore, or sell at a merchant. 
    • Generic item tooltips.

Global Interface

  • NewLootPool_show()
  • NewLootPool_hide()
  • NewLootPool_toggleVisibility()

Slash Commands ( /newlootpool or /nlpool )

  • /nlpool show
  • /nlpool hide
  • /nlpool toggle