

Nick Alert scans incoming chat messages and alerts you when they contain one of your character names, nicknames, and triggers that you set up. It can also alert you to incoming whispers from specified people, or to Real ID messages from specified people. It can also alert you to people coming online and offline.

The nicks are saved per server. The scanning is case insensitive so that Tocar == TOCAR == tocar==Tocardamus so no matter how they type it is should match.

The triggers are saved per account and match case and lua regexs.

Nick Alert can output to MikScrollingBattleText if installed, its own moveable alert frame, play a sound to alert you, and even flash the edges of the screen, the alert frame is moveable (Left Button) and resizable (Right Button) while the frame is unlocked. Once the frame is locked all mouse input is passed through to whatever is under the frame

To use a custom sound file for the alert you need to make a directory called "\Interface\AddOns\NickAlert_CustomSounds" in the WoW directory and put your file called alert.mp3 or alert.ogg into it before you start WoW

  • for mp3 type "/nalert custommp3 on"
  • for ogg type "/nalert customogg on"

commands can be accessed by typing "/nalert"
"/nacf" will take you to the channel filter options. This filter is a whitelist for channels like "Trade" "Local Defense" "General" and such. If they are not in the list you will not be alerted about them

The Throttle function to stop people from sound spamming you is configurable from 1 to 60 in seconds and 1 to 60 alerts in that time before they don't alert you ( so, from 1 alert a minute up to 360 or just off ). ALL alerts are governed by the throttle. If ChatDebug is set on then it will display info lines on the throttle for feedback and setting it up

Also now has a control panel in with all the other ones and a sub panel for nickname management and chat channel management

New commands have been added

  • /nanl cmd option - Nick Alert NickList nicknames/ triggers the addon will scan the chats for add/rem/display/cfg
  • /nawl cmd option - Nick Alert Whisper List on/off/add/rem/display/cfg turn on/off the whisper alert feature and manage who it will alert you for
  • /nacf cmd option - like above but manages the channel filter list
  • /nabn cmd option - Real ID settings on/off/cfg
  • /namf cmd - manage the message frame on/off/lock/unlock

the cmd "cfg" will open the control panel to that lists specific page

all are available from the rewritten control panel plugin