


Niggle - noun a small complaint or criticism


This AddOn addresses a range of small complaints with the standard World of Warcraft User Interface (UI). It is divided into these main areas:

  • UI Enhancements
  • Search & Filtering
  • Auto Loot
  • Warnings & Logs
  • Professions
  • Raids
  • Calendar Events
  • Mounts
  • Pets
  • Locator

Most of the features are configurable via the 'AddOns' tab of the 'Interface' panel. If you don't wish to use a feature, you can easily disable it via that interface. Quick access to the Niggles UI is provided by the '/niggles' or '/ngl' commands. Most features are configurable per character; however some of the raid and calendar event features are per account.

UI Enhancements

  • If you want class colors used in the chat window then you probably want class colors used for all message types. Niggles adds buttons to the 'Show Class Color' headings in the Chat 'General Config' panel to toggle all the class colors.
  • The Equipment Manager (EM) has an 'Ignore' capability that allows any slot to be excluded from the current set, but it is accessed via a popout menu. Niggles adds Alt Left-click as a quicker way of toggling a slot.
  • When you change EM Set you are likely to want to change specialization. Conversely, when you change your active specialization you are likely to want to change EM Set. Niggles allows an EM set to be associated with a specialization. When an EM set is equipped, the associated specialization will be automatically activated. When a specialization is activated, a EM set will be equipped.
  • Sometimes you know the item you want to get to is on one of the last pages of a multi-page list, such as a merchant's items or your list of companions. Niggles adds Right-click to many 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons in the standard UI, as a way of getting to first or last page with one click.
  • The font used for mail messages and item text, such as books, is very atmospheric, but it is actually quite hard to read. Niggles changes it to the standard game font, making mail messages and item text far more readable.
  • Sometimes other players ask where something is and you know but can't give them map coordinates because you aren't there. Niggles adds the map coordinates of the cursor to the title bar of the world map so you can position the cursor and give them accurate coordinates.
  • When herbing or mining it can be quite hard to precisely pinpoint a node that the Minimap is showing with the Minimap zoomed all the way out. Niggles adds Right-click to the Zoom In/Out buttons, which zooms the Minimap all the way in/out with one click.
  • Finding an available bit of the screen to delete an item can sometimes be quite annoying, especially around a mail box or during a raid. Niggles adds Alt Right-clicking on an item in your bags or bank as a shortcut for destroying an item. The confirmation that is normally displayed will still be displayed.
  • Quests will quite often only offer rewards that you can't use or that aren't upgrades. Niggles adds a small money symbol to the most valuable quest reward so that you can see at a glance which will be the best to take for selling to a merchant.
  • When buying items from a merchant, you will often want to buy as many as possible in one go. Niggles adds a button for buying the maximum allowed, usually a stack.
  • It can be easy to miss a low level item that has been equipped for some reason, such as fishing or teleporting to a city. Niggles can display a small red dot in the Character sheet for any equipped items that have an item level lower than 80% of the average equipped item level. Heirlooms are treated as being of an appropriate item level until 2 levels after they become capped.
  • The standard battle-pet tooltips display how many you have collected of each species and how many you are allowed to collect, but it doesn't let you see what level or quality the pets are. Niggles can change most battle-pet tooltips so that they display the level and quality of all the pets owned, allowing you to see at a glance if a wild battle-pet is an upgrade.
  • In order to see the statistics of a pet in the Pet Journal, it has to be selected. Niggles can add a tooltip to the icon in the Pet Journal list so that you can see the statistics without selecting it.
  • When you see an achievement in chat, you may want to check your personal progress. Niggles allows you to view the achievement in the Achievements panel by right-clicking on the achievement in a chat window or clicking the title of the achievement in the tooltip.
  • Having reviewed all applicants to your guild, you may want to invite all of them. Niggles can replace the 'Send Message' button with an 'Invite All' button in the Requests tab of the Guild Panel. You can still message an applicant by right clicking on their name and selected 'Whisper'.
  • There is no visual indication that you have selected filters in the Mount or Pet Journals. Niggles can add a 'Filtered' bar at the top of the lists to remind you. The one for Pets can be used to clear all filters. Due to limitations of the Blizzard API, clearing filters for Mounts isn't possible without introducing taint, so that one is only informational.
  • When setting up missions in the Garrison, closing the page that displays the details of a mission is slow due to having to move the mouse to a small 'X' button. Niggles can add the ability to simply right click on the page's background to take you back. to the list of missions.

Search & Filtering

  • Sometimes you want to be able to find a particular achievement or all those related to a particular dungeon or boss. The standard UI doesn't have any way of searching for such achievements. Niggles adds a search box for the Character tab of the standard Achievement panel. When a search string is entered, any achievement that contains the search string in its title, description, criteria or rewards will be displayed, with all those that don't match being hidden. This feature uses approximately 300 KBytes so is disabled by default, but should be easily handled by any modern computer.
  • With the number of flight destinations on some continents it can be hard to pinpoint the one you want. Niggles adds a list with a search capability to the 'Flight Map' panel. It lists all your known flight destinations so you can select exactly the right one. It can be toggled via a button in the 'Flight Map' panel.
  • Finding someone in the guild roster can be tricky if you are in a large guild. Niggles adds filters to the guild roster so you can search by name, class, level, zone, rank and note.
  • Sometimes finding the item you want on a merchant can be quite hard, especially if you are looking for a particular recipe or design from one of the profession merchants. Niggles adds a basic search capability to the 'Merchant' panel that highlights those items that have names that match the search string. The search looks not only at the name of items but also any items used to buy them. This can be useful when buying items with armour tokens or upgrading heirlooms.
  • The standard UI allows you to search mounts by name, but doesn't allow you to filter by the environment the mounts are most suitable for. NIggles can add filtering for running, flying and swimming mounts, as well as those that are usable by the current character.

Auto Loot

When looting, there is no reason not to automatically loot certain types of items, even if you are in a group. Niggles adds the ability to automatically loot the following types of items:

  • Archaeology fragments and keystones
  • Currency
  • Fished items
  • Money

Warnings & Logs

  • Some currencies have weekly and/or total maximum, but unfortunately there is no warning until the limit is reached, if at all. This can be inconvenient if, for example, you are deep inside a dungeon when you reach the Valor Point maximum. Niggles can display a warning when currencies exceed 90% of their weekly and/or total maximum. The following currencies are monitored:
    • Honor Points
    • Conquest Points
    • All Archaeology Fragments
    • Elder Charms of Good Fortune
    • Mogu Rune of Fate
    • Warforged Seal
    • Apexis Crystal
    • Garrison Resources
    • Seal of Tempered Fate
  • After fishing or doing a jousting quest, sometimes you can forget to re-equip your weapon. Niggles can display a warning if you enter combat with either equipped.
  • There are a lot of useful items with right-click effects that require you equip them and it is very easy to forget to re-equip the item swapped out. Niggles can display a warning if you enter combat with any low level items equipped. Heirlooms are considered to have a valid item level for 2 levels beyond their maximum level.
  • While questing or soloing, hunters usually have their pets growling at the mobs to generate threat. While in a party or raid, the tank doesn't need extra competition for threat. Niggles can display a warning if any friendly pet growls while in a party or raid so the hunter can be gently reminded to turn growl off.
  • When a character dies, the active form can sometimes not be reinstated upon resurrection. Niggles can display a warning if you enter combat without an active form, if the character's class should always have one active. The currently supported classes are Death Knight, Hunter, Monk, Paladin and Warrior.
  • For classes which require completely different equipment for different roles, it is not uncommon to sell an item accidentally that is used in the other role. Niggles can display a warning whenever an item belonging to an Equipment Manager set is sold.
  • When levelling professions, it is easy to forget to train to the next level when you reach the cap. Niggles can display a warning when you start to make a recipe that can grant a skillup, if the profession is at or near the cap. It also works for gathering professions.
  • There are chat and combat logging features built into the game, but you need to manually activate them each time you log in. Niggles adds the ability to activate them automatically when you log in. Please Note: The combat log will get very big very quickly so you should only turn this on if you really need it for some reason.


  • Some professions, such as Engineering, use a lot of reagents that are made by the same profession. Niggles highlights those reagents that the current character can make with the current profession, using a golden border. It also makes them clickable. When clicked, the recipe that makes the reagent will be selected. If more than one recipe can be used to make the reagent, the reagent is set as the search string.
  • When making a recipe with several crafted reagents, you may have to view several recipes and then go back to the original one. Niggles makes this easier by adding a recipe history that can be navigated using 'Back' and 'Forward' buttons, just like a web browser. Each profession has its own history, that remembers the last 16 recipes.
  • When deciding which Archaeology site to dig next or which fragments to buy from the Lorewalkers, it would be nice to know how many projects you have completed compared to the total number available. Niggles adds the number of completed projects verses the total number available, for both Rare and Common artifacts, to the titles in the Completed page of the Archaeology panel. The numbers displayed are for the currently selected race.
  • While researching an archaeology project, it would be nice to know what the end result will be. Niggles adds tooltips for each possible resulting item to the project's icon on the 'Archaeology Project' page so you can see such information. You can also Shift Left-click on the icon to link in chat.
  • The 'Archaeology Summary' page indicates how many fragments you have for each race as well as how many you need. However it doesn't clearly indicate which projects are ready to be solved. Niggles highlights those projects that can be solved.
  • The 'Archaeology Summary' page indicates how many fragments you have for each race, but it doesn't include any keystones that you have that can be socketed into the current project. Niggles updates the number of fragments to include any keystones that can be used.
  • When viewing an archaeology project, it would be nice to be able to get back to the 'Archaeology Summary' page with a simple click. Niggles adds right-click to the body of the 'Archaeology Project' page to take you back to the 'Archaeology Summary' page.


  • The default loot method for a newly created raid is 'Group Loot'. Niggles adds the ability to automatically change this to any of the other valid loot methods when you form a raid.
  • The default loot threshold for a newly created raid is Uncommon''. Niggles adds the ability to automatically change this to any of the other valid loot thresholds when you form a raid.
  • Guilds often have a small number of players who lead raids and having all those players as raid assistants can be beneficial. Niggles can automatically promote a specific list of characters to raid assistant as they join the raid.

Calendar Events

  • When preparing for an event, it can be useful to see which guild members or friends are online. Unfortunately you can't do this while a calendar event is open. Niggles adds a 'Calendar Events' panel that lists the player and guild events for the next 28 days in a panel that can be open at the same time as the 'Friends' and 'Guild' panels. To access the 'Calendar Events' panel, right-click on the Calendar button in the Minimap.
  • It can be useful to know how many people have signed up for a calendar event or how many were invited. Niggles adds that number to the 'Name' column heading of the Invites list in the 'Calendar Event' panel.
  • When preparing for an event, it is very useful to see which characters who signed up are currently online. Niggles adds a column to the Invites list that indicates which guild members are online. Non-guild members are indicated by a '?'. Niggles also indicates if a character is in your current raid or party, making it easier to see who still needs inviting.


There are some complex restrictions on where and when you can fly, so complex a standard macro can't cope. Niggles includes a system for selecting a mount of the fastest type available, depending on your current skills and situation. The mount is chosen from a list selected by you via the Mount Journal. Each mount can be selected for running, flying and/or swimming, depending on its abilities. You can choose as many or as few mounts as you like. Any chosen mounts that are restricted to a particular zone, such as the Abyssal Seahorse, will be given priority in their particular zones and will be excluded outside those zones. Class and Race abilities, such as Swift Flight Form or Running Wild, can also be selected, via the 'AddOns' tab of the 'Interface' panel.

A key can be bound, such as '[', to the Niggles mount system. When pressed, a mount of the fastest available type will be randomly selected from those you have chosen. Alternatively a '/click NigglesMount' macro can be used so you can place an action button on your ActionBars.

You can override the normal selection rules by pressing Shift. When in the water, this will make Niggles try to choose a flying mount. If no suitable flying mount can be found, Niggles will try to chose a running mount. When on land, pressing Shift will make Niggles choose a running mount. This can be useful when working with a lower level character that can't yet fly.

If you are mounted, pressing the bound key or macro will dismount you. It not only works for normal mounts but also any vehicle such as a Tol Barad tank or a Wintergrasp Cannon. It will also cancel the 'Herbouflage' aura from Lifegiving Seed.


Some people like to always have one of their pets following them, but there is no way of doing that automatically using the standard UI. Niggles includes a system for automatically summoning a randomly selected pet from those you have chosen via the Pet Journal. You can restrict where pets will be summoned based on continent or zone type. Upon entering any restricted zone, any pet Niggles has summoned will be dismissed, but not any manually summoned pets. Niggles won't summon a pet if you have a quest item in your bags for summoning a quest pet, such as Winterspring Cub, and you are in the quest's zone.


When working on quests you might sometimes need help finding a particular quest objective. Sites such as Wowhead will often have very useful information about such things, including the X,Y coordinates of the quest objective. Niggles includes a small draggable panel that shows your current X,Y location to aid with such things. It is toggled via a key binding that you select, such as Ctrl L.