Nightmare Incursion Helper

Nightmare Incursion Helper


Nightmare Incursion Helper.

Spam press one button to cycle through targeting your party members and sharing all your deputization quest items in bags.
A button to open envelopes you get when completing a quest, this also auto confirms the popup and loots the items inside.
A button to mass delete old envelopes and deputization items from bags as you run back to hand in (Press a button on the overlay).
A button to mass delete unwanted quests types. Set which quest types you want this button to delete in config.
Auto show overlay when you're near an invasion and hide when you're not, or type /nih to show it any time.
Auto accept shared quests.
Auto accept your own envelope quests.
Auto quest handing in with the main quest NPCs.
Auto talk to the Inteligence Report NPCs.
Auto talk to escort NPCs.
Has a small quest log attached to the overlay for Ashenvale speed runs with quest count and completion progress, go in to config and turn on what quest types you want it to show (pickup, escort, kill, etc).
Press the cogwheel top right to open config.