No glow and death effect

No glow and death effect


This is just a simple add-on that removes the death effect (ffxDeath) and the glow effect (ffxGlow) without setting the variables manually.

I wrote this add-on, since I usually forget to deactivate the effects, especially the glow effect - what causes me to get eye strain.

After loading, the add-on displays a message, so you know it's active.

What does ffxDeath & ffxGlow do?

FfxDeath is the gray/blue overlay you see when you are a ghost.

FfxGlow is harder to describe, just go to Darnassus and look around. It makes everything more glowy.

Classic version available now.

Classic TBC version coming very soon -> CVars could not be accessed on Beta & PTR. You basically could not change ffxDeath & ffxGlow. It's fixed now.