Node Flash

Node Flash


NodeFlash is a small addon that will flash any herb, mining and fishing nodes that appear on the minimap.

NodeFlash turns off while you are not tracking anything, on a taxi flight, in combat, or resting in an inn or city. This is to stop any fps slowdowns that may occur.

Settings are per character and done from the command line using /nfl or /nodeflash with the options being

  • on - turn the flashing on (default)
  • off - turn the flashing off
  • small - make the nodes the normal size on the minimap (default)
  • big - make the nodes big on the minimap
  • xxx - number of milliseconds between flashes (default = 500)
  • reset - turns all the settings back to the default values

Nodes now show as a black dot with a white border for added visibility.

Let me know in the comments or as a ticket on the curseforge project site if you would like the ability to change back to the small/large yellow dots. If enough people want it, I'll get it added in ASAP.