

<big>Block guild solicitations in whispers and public chat channels.</big>

Messages that look like guild recruitment spam are blocked from General, Trade, and whispers. There are no notifications to you or the sender, no dependencies on other addons, and no options to fiddle with. It just works.

It will automatically disable itself while you are unguilded and have disabled the "Decline guild invitations" option in the default UI, since presumably this means you are interested in guild invitations.

Language Support

NoGuild currently only detects guild spam in English and German, but I am open to expanding it to cover other languages as well. If you play on a server where other-language guild spam is common, and are interested in helping, send me a PM.


If you are reporting a bug, please make sure you have the latest version of the addon from this page, and then include detailed instructions I can follow to reproduce the bug myself, whether the bug still happens when all other addons are disabled, and the exact text of the accompanying error message (if any).

If you are posting about missed guild spam (or wrongly blocked legitimate messages), please post the full text (or a screenshot) of the message in question. You can find a log of recently blocked messages in the NoGuild.lua file in your account-wide SavedVariables folder, in case you think it's blocking messages it shouldn't.