Nova Booking

Nova Booking


Nova Booking

Nova Booking is a World of Warcraft AddOn which helps you to keep track of your sent runs as arranger in the Nova Gaming Community.


  • Auto fill banking character, arranger name and gold for sending mails
  • Show total arranger cut for horde and alliance
  • Sharing data with your raid/party
  • Many options in the interface settings
  • Split runs
  • 2 profiles for banking characters
  • Import banking characters

Quick Start

  1. Go to Interace -> Addons -> NovaBooking
  2. Fill out your Profile Name and Arranger Name (Name-Server)

Slash Commands

  • /nb
  • /nb add
  • /nb banking
  • /nb help


  • The author of this addon is not responsible for failures like sending gold to the wrong banking character or if the history is being deleted cause of an error.
  • This addon is not owned by the Nova Gaming Community.