Nova Raid Companion
Updated 6 months ago
Created 3 years ago
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How Long a Mob Has Been Spawned
More of a novelty but this will show how long ago any NPC spawned, good for certain situations like knowing how long an instance has been open or how long a layer has been up.
Alt raid lockouts.
First Startup
Raid Log
Right click minimap button to open the raid log.
Unmerged Raid Cooldown List
If you untick merge raid cooldowns then it will always display a full character list of cooldowns.
Raid Log Displaying Instance
Merged Tooltip.
Characters in raid with the spell you hovered over.
Cooldowns (merged and unmerged)
Here is 2 different types of cooldown display modes, swapable in config.
Merged Character Tooltip
Hover over a character in the first tooltip to show more info, if it's a warlock it also shows all active soulstone buffs in the raid.
Raid Log Displaying Deaths
Unmerged Tooltip.
Hover over a name in the unmerged list to see spell details, if its a warlock it will also show all active soulstone buffs.
Raid Status Expanded
Click "More" to see extra stats like resistances/talents/weapon oils.
Merged Raid Cooldown List
When you have merged raid cooldowns ticked it only shows the spell name and amount ready. Hover over a spell to see characters.
Soulstone buff tracking.
Shows who has an active soulstone in raid.
Raid Log Displaying Loot
Raid Status
View Other Players Talents