NoxxInfo - Boss Hints (SoD)

NoxxInfo - Boss Hints (SoD)


This addon is purely Season of Discovery focused.

NoxxInfo Addon

An extremely light-weight NPC/Mob/Boss hint system where special mechanics/hints about a mob or boss are displayed in a tooltip and a helpful catalog (/ni). You can also view specific boss drops in the addon.

Most notable NPCs/bosses have been added to the addon for Phase 1. If you find any missing NPCs, mobs, or bosses that you think should be added, please let me know.

This addon will give you the necessary information to attempt a boss fight utilizing general information about abilities and boss phases. For example: when fighting Kelris, the addon will notify you of the "going under" mechanic and how to get out, but not the strategy involved in dealing with the mechanic. Some hints may include certain times to drink a potion or things to do during a mechanic to help you succeed.

Now included in NoxxInfo is NoxxLog. This is currently a very early iteration on an expandable function to view someone's boss log (successes and dates only at the moment). Right-click someone's name in the chat window and select "Inspect NoxxLog" to view it. You can also search someone's NoxxLog by utilizing the minimap button or the search bar in the NoxxInfo Catalog. Currently, NoxxLog features the ability to track your boss kills, set a status, and set a character role.

Settings can accessed for the addon by using "/noxxinfo", "/ni" in-game or the minimap button.


Current Issues: None so far.