NPC-Silencer international


NPC Silencer
from Schamanlein/Elflein (on Forscherliga-EU)

SORRY for my bad english but im german and my last english writing/speaking is twenty years ago :( I hope u understand all.

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1.) What does this addon do?
With this addon you silence the says and shouts from many npcs. So u don't see the npc texts in your chatwindow. Npc's how tell u about a quest with /say or /yell will be shown in ur chatwindow.

The most annoying npc's are silenced. Other missing npc's will follow when i find it or an user will report it. ;)
Actually are over 4.000 npc's addet.

2.) How do i use this addon?
Extracte the archiv in the directory "*WoW-Dir*/Interface/Addons" and start WoW. Thats all ;)

3.) How can i help?
Please let an comment on the Cursepage so i can add them to the next update.
Please tell us the city and npcname like 'Topper McNapp in Stormwind'

4.) Wishlist:
- all npc's addet
- single activation for zones or npc's (configuration)