

IMPORTANT: Due to several reasons, including too little information, slow code etc, the whole DataBase had to be discarded. As of update 1.2 the DataBase will be completly wiped and replace with the new one.

NPC_DataBase allows you to save every single NPC you've ever encountered, with information such as Location, Name, Date and Classification (elite, rare, etc) if the NPC is Rare or Rare Elite it will print a message along with the alert sound. The Addon has an anti-spam system which prevents multiple entries of the same NPC in the same location.

Whenever you target or mouse over an NPC it will be saved in the database. Everytime you find a new NPC which is added to your database you will automatically share that information with your Guild and/or Party (much like the addon Gatherer).

The database can easily be searched through, with up to 2 key words and the choice to match either or both.

Once you've done a search you can press the "show on map" button to automatically open the map and show the location of the NPCs you've just searched for. The Addon chooses to show you the zone which contained the most hits from your search.

The feature PartyShare is a feature which shares your entire database with your party. Pressing this will show an ingame warning, with the chioce to go back. Since the database can be fairly large doing this WILL CAUSE LAG for a few seconds and in some cases DISCONNECT you and/or your party member(s). Use this with care.

Also, using a too common key word when searching may also cause lag, such as searching for the letter "O" instead of maybe "Orgrimmar".

To open the Menu:
/npc show

To search without the main window:
/npc find <keyword>

/npc total (optionalKeyword) Shows you how many NPCs you've got, or how many that matches the optional Keyword

PLEASE KEEP IN MIND that this addon is rather new, and the default database is far from extensive at this point. With every relsease I will extend the database as much as I can.