


  • Offers a choice of five popular keyboards
  • Offers a choice of three action bar sizes
  • Switches actions on form/stance changes if desired
  • Hides the numpad or labels if desired
  • Locks all action bars during combat
  • Prevents shift-dragging actions out of numpad buttons during combat
  • Prevents dragging numpad off screen
  • Saves settings individually for each character
  • Displays detailed instructions in a scrollable tooltip
  • Compatible with OmniCC, a ui mod that displays cooldowns on buttons


NumPadBar is an action bar in the shape of a numpad. It works like a built-in action bar such as the Bottom Right ActionBar, for example. You can drag actions and macros into and out of NumPadBar, just like other action bars.

The first major difference between NumPadBar and built-in action bars is that it is in the shape of a numpad. Also, keybindings for numpad keys are already set up for the numpad bar. These keybindings are temporary and are only used while the numpad is displayed.

The second major difference is that NumPadBar can be used as a normal action bar or as a stance bar. When using it as a normal action bar, the same actions are used no matter what stance you are in. When using it as a stance bar, the actions will change depending on your stance; they will be the same actions that are in the built-in stance bar.

You can move NumPadBar anywhere on screen. You can change its size. You can choose from a selection of popular keyboards; this affects the layout of the numpad keys. You can hide NumPadBar. You can hide the labels on the keys. You can select whether to display the Enter key (and override Chat binding), and whether to display the cursor keys (and override movement and other bindings).

In the heat of combat, it is all too easy to accidentally drag actions out of action bars. Therefore, NumPadBar, as well as the built-in action bars, are locked during combat. This prevents all changes to NumPadBar during combat.

You can display instructions in a scrollable tooltip by right-clicking the invisible background of NumPadBar near the numeric keys and selecting Help.


Due to the lack of spare action slots for druids and [classic] warriors, slots of bottom action bar #2 are used to store numpad actions in. For moonkin druids, the entire bottom action bar #2 is used. For warriors and feral druids using arrow keys, only the rightmost 4 slots are used.

For any issues, please follow the Issues link above and submit a report on GitHub.