$old!it in Cash

$old!it in Cash


Note: You can leave a private message for me here: [Talk to Skulhamr]

This tiny addon salutes you with an authentic cash register Ka-Ching! and a brief print-to-screen when one of your auction items sells. No matter where you are, you'll be center stage when the purchase is made. Gold is good especially when it's cash! (Project suggested by Merthalde)

To Install: Use the Curse Client Auto-installer or extract the "Soldit" folder contained in this zip file into your "World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons folder. (See illustration for help with a manual install.)

To Uninstall: Select "Uninstall" from your Curse Client or simply rename or delete the "Soldit" folder under (inside) your game's "Interface/Addons" folder.

Other addons by Skulhamr of Trollbane:

On Curse.com, you can see the rest of my addons (arranged alphabetically) by doing a search for Skulhamr or by simply clicking my name here.