


From the same author of GarrisonCommander an addon dedicated to Class Halls

Comments policy

As soon as I fix bugs, comment reporting them are deleted, because they are no longer useful. Also, I really prefer bugs to be raised on curseforge:

Open Ticket


You CAN have both OrderHallCommander AND GarrisonCommander enabled. GarrisonCommander detects OrderHallCommander and  steps back for Order Hall missions.


This is addon is ONLY for Legion missions.
If you want an addon for Draneor missions, it's GarrisonCOmmander

If you want an addon for Battle for Azeroth missions, it's ChampionCommander

Completed mission

  • You can have OHC complete mission for you with just one click
Available Missions
  • Proposed Party graphically shown
  • Clicking mission button autofill mission page 
  • Success chance
  • Total xp gain projection
  • Countered mechanics
  • Enriched rewards
  • Expire time
  • Tooltip inform if a better party cpuld be available in next hours
  • A bunch of switches allow to change party compositon based on expected mission results (favour xp, favour low cost, favour improved time and so on)
In progress Missions
  • Running party graphically shown
Follower list
  •  A list of possible upgrades are showm, and you can apply them just with one click
  • When you are in your Order Hall OHC notifies you if you have troops to collect. Notification repeated once a minute (Can be deactivated)

Feature requests or bugs

Please, use Curse Ticket Tracker

About me

I am a professional software developer, spacing from PHP web development to C + + Gaming Server Software.

Right now I’m working on this Real Time 4X MMO:

Gates of Horizon