


Sorting-Order, Winchance-Calculation

Plusader opened this issue ยท 1 comments


The sorting isn't descending in this version.

The highest chances aren't displayed for all possible group constellations.

See both screenshots.

2022-12-03 01-19-39
2022-12-03 01-20-45


Hello! I also have some sort order issues. I posted this on Curseforge before seeing the comment to post issues on GitHub instead. Here's my message just copied. Cheers!

Howdy! Great addon! I really like seeing the success percentages without having to go into each mission separately and play around with combinations.

There are a few bugs that I run into (mostly minor, yet frequent). I tested these without any other addons to make sure.

  1. The two Sort dropdowns appear to have no effect: "Sort missions by:" and "and then by:". This is true even when exiting out of the Mission Table and re-entering. The missions, no matter the sort selections, are always in the same order. This screenshot is supposed to be in order of success chance, but they seem to be in Blizzard's default order.


  1. When scrolling up or down, the correct percentages, levels, threats, etc. are not shown until I mouseover the missions. It's not all of them each time, but it's at least a few each time. This happens when I use the mouse wheel to scroll, click in the empty part of the scroll bar, or click the arrows. The values and icons actually shown for the missions that scroll into view (or change position) appear to be random. I thought maybe it was retaining the values of whatever was in the slot in the GUI, but it's not. It seems to be truly random.

Anyway, once I mouseover the whole list, they all change to the real values, and the list is usable. It makes it a little tricky to evaluate success chances, because I have to remember to mouseover the list each time I scroll, and sometimes I'm like, "Wait, didn't that mission just say 158%? Now, it says 30%. Oh, I forgot to mouseover. Yeah, now it's back to 158%."

The first screenshot is after clicking the scroll bar. The second screenshot is then after mousing over all the missions.


  1. In a similar vein as the last, mousing over sometimes causes the design of the missions to shift. If I exit the table and re-enter, the circle with crossed swords will be at the far left of each mission, with the iLvl displayed in big digits (e.g. "900"). Next to it will be a blank background with texts that shows expiration and success chance: red small text with "Mission Expires ?? hr" and underneath, larger text for success change (e.g. 158%). As soon as I mouseover any of the missions, the entire list switches. The circle and crossed swords shifts to the right so that it's now behind the mission expiration and success chance. In addition, where it was now shows both the champion level in somewhat large text (e.g. 45) and iLvl now in small text in parentheses underneath: e.g. (900). If I scroll rather than mouseover, then only the missions that scroll onto the screen are changed.

I think the data is actually correct. Here is a screenshot after I opened the window and scrolled down slightly. You can see the two different formats.


Anyway, I hope this helps. If you'd like a video, reach out and we can coordinate somehow.