


Automatically tracks Oregorger's location during each roll phase to determine which paths are safe and which are dangerous.

This addon requires at least 3 people in the raid to be running it, however I'd recommend 5+ to ensure accurate results.


  • Minimap which can rotate with the player or stay stationary (movable and resizable)
  • Small circle (known as the "Light") which shows your current safety (movable and resizable)
  • Audio alert if the area you're in becomes unsafe or if you walk into an unsafe area (requires the Light to be enabled)


Type "/ot" in-game to see a list of slash commands.

Note: If you have the minimap rotation enabled, only the player arrow will be visible in config mode until you are near Oregorger's room.


  • Red = Danger, either the boss is rolling on that path or he could be about to pick that path
  • Yellow = Caution, not in immediate danger but consider moving out of it to prepare for his next crash
  • Green = Safe
  • Blue = End of Phase, where he ended the last roll phase will stay blue for 6 seconds

How It Works

There is no easy way for an addon to track the position of a boss so this synchronizes coordinates and some spell range checks from each player who is running the addon and uses them to calculate an estimate of where he is.

Disclaimer: Because the boss location has to be estimated, the addon will occasionally predict the wrong path. This is very rare though (happened 2 times out of 20 rolls in the example video above) and the addon should quickly correct itself.

Update: This should be improved in version 1.3