OrlanStrike (Discontinued)

OrlanStrike (Discontinued)

  • For retribution paladins only
  • Creates a movable action bar with fixed dd spells
  • Tells which spells to cast next in single target and multi target rotations
  • Tells to cast Cleanse when appropriate
  • Tells to cast Rebuke when appropriate
  • Tells to heal yourself or bubble if you're low on health
  • Shows holy power, health, mana and current target threat bar
  • Stops suggesting next spell if you're close to overaggro (at 95% row threat or 150k damage left, will not work if you're not on the threat list or tanking)
  • Automatically hides/shows itself on respec

Border color codes:

  • Green - spell to cast now in single target rotation
  • Yellow - spell to cast next in single target rotation
  • Red - spell to cast now in multi target rotation
  • Orange - spell to cast next in multi target rotation
  • White - spell to cast now to start burst damage
  • Blue - spell to cast now to change seal
  • Pink - you have a debuff that you can dispell via the spell
  • Light Red - you're low on health and should cast the spell to heal yourself or bubble
  • Brown - spell to cast to interrupt target's spell

Single target priorities:

  • BoJ > J > ES > TV > DS > CS

Miulti target priorities:

  • BoJ with Divine Hammer > Cons > BoJ > J > DS > TV > CS


  • /os hide
  • /os show
  • /os scale 0.95 (or any other number)