OTB Loot

OTB Loot


Loot Addon for the Atiesh guild: One Tier Behind


  • Maintain DKP history. Both earned and spent. NYI
  • Smart synchronize DKP to team members. NYI
  • Auto-prune DKP database after X number of raid completions. NYI
  • Automatically award DKP on boss kill. NYI

Loot Council

  • Open bidding process.  Everyone should be allowed to see who is bidding on loot. NYI
  • Automatically loot council items that are passed on. NYI
  • Items won on council will be shown in DKP loot history. NYI

Loot Master automation

  • Auto-trade loot on item win. NYI
  • Queue all loot for DKP/Council so LM can play instead of micro-ing loot. NYI


  • Maintain BIS lists.
  • Display BIS in item tooltips. NYI  DONE
  • Loot Prio List NYI
  • Alias loot to bis, eg: tier tokens. NYI DONE

    How to get started:
    Type: /otb and follow the instructions in game.