


oUF ArtifactPower


Since artifacts with the exeption of Underlight Angler stayed in Legion, there is no point of keeping this element as is. Please consider using oUF_Progress instead, which supports artifacts as well.


oUF ArtifactPower is an element plug-in for the unitframe framework oUF.
It requires a oUF layout that supports it.


  • Shows the current artifact/azerite power as a status bar.
  • Prioritizes the Underlight Angler over the Hearth of Azeroth if the former is equipped.
  • Optionally show a tooltip when hovered.
  • Optionally fades the bar in and out if it is mouse enabled and the .onAlpha and .offAlpha options are set by the layout.
  • Hides the bar if the player is in a vehicle, has no artifact equipped (or it is disabled) or does not possess the Hearth of Azeroth.

How to use

For information on how to implement this element in your own layout please view the code documentation or the wiki.


If you have any problems with this element feel free to open an issue at github.