


IMPORTANT: Requires installation of oUF Unit Frames, this addon does nothing on its own.

A simple, clean oUF layout, developed on 1920x1080 resolution.

oUF_Jardo Example in Raid

Once installed, the addon will replace the following frames with newer, cleaner versions compared to the default Blizzard UI. Sub-bullet point items shows what features are supported by each individual frame.

  • Player
    • Power (Mana, Focus, Rage, ...)
    • Cast bar
    • DeBuff Icons
    • Incoming Heals
    • Combo Points (Rogue, Druids)
    • Holy Power (Paladins)
    • PvP Status Icon
    • PvPTimer (requires installations of oUF_PvPTimer)
    • Raid Role Icon (Tank, Healer, DPS)
    • Raid Marker (Skull, Cross, ...)
    • Raid Status Icon (Raid Leader, Master Looter, ...)
  • Target
    • Buff Icons
    • DeBuff Icons
    • Incoming Heals
    • PvP Status Icon
    • Raid Role Icon (Tank, Healer, DPS)
    • Raid Marker (Skull, Cross, ...)
    • Raid Status Icon (Raid Leader, Master Looter, ...)
  • Pet
    • No extra info
  • Focus
    • DeBuff Icons
    • Raid Marker (Skull, Cross, ...)
  • Target's Target
    • Raid Marker (Skull, Cross, ...)
  • Boss
    • Power Bar (Mana, Focus, Rage, ...)
    • Raid Marker (Skull, Cross, ...)

This project includes a copy of the oUF: CombatFeedback plugin written by Ammo. The original source of this addon can be found at WoWInterface: oUF_CombatFeedback