Overclock Tools

Overclock Tools


Overclock Tools

This private add-on was once only accessible to Overclock raiders. It provides critical functionality that, in tandem with custom WAs, allowed Overclock to excel as one of the world's top speedrunning guilds.


  • Advanced WA Helper - the centerpiece of this add-on, allowing extra Overclock-raider features for custom WeakAuras (more information will become available soon)
  • Auto Assist - based on player's role or status in your guild, the add-on can automatically hand out raid assist
  • Auto Locate - helps locate other party members in-game by printing a message above their head
  • Auto Loot - an improved QOL experience versus the default Blizzard-version
  • Auto Marker - most reliable auto-marker available in the world; has available custom macro functions for marking nameplates; supports ALL major TBC raids
  • Loot Council - competitor with RC Loot Council, allowing you to gather information about which raiders need each item; this information is able to be exported manually to Discord
  • Raid Management Tools - export of raid attendees and all loot in copy/paste text format

AddOn Macro

Opens the AddOn configuration panel

Auto Locate Macro

Locates other party members
/oct locate

Auto Marker Macros

Reset auto marker state
/oct cam

Mark all nameplates
/oct am

Loot Council Macros

Open Loot Council configuration
/oct lc
Add items to loot council session (Up to 4 items per message)
/oct lc [ItemLink] [ItemLink] [ItemLink] [ItemLink]

WeakAuras Macro

Resets the state of the raid for WeakAuras like the Speedrun Timer
/oct raidreset