Overdramatic - Nightmare Edition


This is a joke addon that annoys you ever time you talk or yell. There are no commands but when you speak using /say or /yell a message will pop up telling you what you did. (Yell or talk) This addon works with macros using /yell or /say.

Okay, see that? It is the description for the original 'Overdramatic' which can be found here https://wow.curseforge.com/addons/overdramatic/

Nightmare Edition is a separate addon because it is way more annoying and I don't wan't people to be forced to download a update that is 100 times worse than the original. Nightmare Edition now makes a message and plays a sound whenever someone talks or yells along with bombarding your chat box. Now that may not sound so bad but remember it can be anyone talking/yelling. Have fun kids! -darkenmoonz