


....is a 'simple' addon that allows some UI features to be made more easily accessible with keybinds and slash commands.
All of these features are able to be keybound in the keybinds interface.

Current features:

  • Combat Log - '/cl' 'on', 'off' or 'auto'.
  • Dual Spec - '/ds'. Also, SPELL LEARNED text is hidden.
  • Dungeon Difficulty- '/n5', '/h5', '/n10', '/h10', '/n25', or '/h25', '/chal', '/myth' (normal 5, heroic 5, normal 10, heroic 10, etc...).
  • Dungeon Teleport - '/dgt' or '/dungeontele'.
  • Dungeon Reset - '/dgr' or '/dungeonreset'.
  • GM Ticket - '/ticket'.
  • Group Lead - '/gl' or '/grouplead'. Passes group leader to the current targeted player.
  • Group Kick - '/gk','/groupkick','/vk' or '/votekick' . Kicks current target, or starts a votekick.
  • Group Size - '/grs'. (Convert party to raid or visa versa).
  • Leave Battlefield - '/lbg'. Gives a prompt to leave bgs or arena matches / skrims.
  • Leave Group - '/lg'.
  • Nameplate Overlap - '/ol' or '/overlap'.
  • Raid Info - '/ri' or '/raidinfo'.
  • Ready Check - '/rc' or '/readycheck'.
  • Role Check - '/role' or '/rolecheck'. Added in v2.5!
  • Reload UI - '/rl' or '/reload'.
  • Show Cloak - '/sc' or '/showcloak'.
  • Show Helm - '/sh' or '/showhelm'.
  • You may also get more help or info by typing '/os' 'help' or 'about'.

More features will be added soon.