


Auto buff during combat

kolroser opened this issue · 11 comments


is there a way you could implement an option for the auto buff to also work during combat?
With SOD and the short fights, tanks are constantly pulling and it's hard to keep up the short buffs since the whole group is out of combat only a few times during a dungeon or a raid.


I meant clicking on the player buttons of PallyPower.


Due to limitations imposed by Blizzard on the addon automation, there's no way for any addon to automatically select a target and cast a spell in combat. You can always manually mouse over and click on a player frame requiring a buff.


I see! So if I bind PP to a hotkey, lets say F5 on my keyboard, and in combat select a player to be my target unitframe and press F5, will the addon buff the correct blessing on the player? 😮


Ah okay. Would it be possible to implement a keybind for this? so that you could buff in combat without having to click on PP?


Same reason - you have to manually target and cast in combat.


Yes, but could the casting part be done by a keyboard key press instead of right clicking on the addons ui?


No, because a keypress can not cycle thru different targets automatically in combat.


That's not what I meant.
Could you implement, that if I target a player in combat who has a blessing assigned, that when I press the PP hotkey on my keyboard, the player gets the right blessing buffed by me?
So no auto target, just auto cast the right thing?


let me explain

when you press a button, it can trigger a spell cast
for a successful spell cast in combat the target and spell has to be set before the combat starts and once it starts it can not be changed.

different mouse over cast mods set only one spell and 'mouse over target' as a target, so the player can just wave the mouse cursor over and press one button to cast the same spell over and over.

for PallyPower it is expected that there may be different spells assigned to the same paladin for different classes, so the addon would need to look up the spell assigned for a target, set the values on the button pre-action (which it can not do in combat) and only then the spell may be cast. So you're asking for something that can only be done half-assed = assuming that a paladin can only be assigned one spell to cast.


So in short you may be better off just making a macro and assigning a keybing to it

/cast [@mouseOver,help,nodead][] Blessing of Might


i see, thanks for your explenation!