Paragon Announcer

Paragon Announcer


Have you ever finished up your necessary rep to get a Paragon Supply Cache, but missed the quest message due to guild chat cluttering up your screen?  It's real easy to miss the quest notification for Paragon reputation, particularly after the first one goes by.  That's where Paragon Announcer comes in.

Paragon Announcer is a simple addon that throws a red text box on your screen as soon as you get a Paragon cache quest.  The message is simple and kind of ugly, but it makes sure that you know without question that you have just earned a supply cache and should go pick it up at your earliest convenience.

Have things you'd like to see with this addon?  Let me know in the comments, might as well make sure this works well for everyone.


Slash commands:

/pa - Used to access the Paragon Announcer options

/pa-check - Used to see what Paragon bags you have currently.



Show Alerts - Shows an alert window when you get a paragon quest

Show Chat Messages - Shows a message in your chat pane when you get a paragon quest

Check Paragon Bags on Load - Looks to see if you have any paragon bags waiting for you when you login and/or reload the UI.