



An addon for World of Warcraft to set personal action bar preferences

TL/DR: Create 12 macros. Each as a version for each character specialization. On Talent swaps, load the new speciialization.

What is this?

The Idea

I play many alt characters. I like messing around with various talents and specializations, and I'm a fan of conditional macros to accomplish thinks like mouseovers or attack my focus. Problem for me, I was running out of space in a 255 line macro to account for three specs, multiple talents, and conditionals.

The Style

As I've played alts, classes tend to follow patterns. For example, a Death Knight builds Runic Power, a Paladin builds up Holy Power, a Mage Arcane or Frost power, or a Warlock generates Soul Shards (or w/e they're called now). So, I typically have a few 'power builder' actions and a few 'power spender' actions. I also like a clean UI, so I like having one action bar. Meaning, I have conditionals in the macros where the same macro supports a SHIFT, CTRL or ALT option (and sometimes combinations). Which leads to a library of 12 actions that may each be placed on the main action bar.

Specialization Swapping

With having three versions of 12 actions, now we can tailor a macro library for each specialization. No more worrying about [spec:1] conditionals! As you edit these spec-based macros, the addon saves your changes and recalls them for the next time.

Current Features:

  1. The ability to save 12 macros for each talent specialization. These persist through changes and update as you edit/fine tune them.
  2. The macros are standard Blizzard macros - up to 255 characters. All we're doing is saving them and replacing them with spec-versions.
  3. A library of my pathetic knowledge of various classes. (Still adding classes - I dont play anything well, and some classes I'm just bad at).

Future Features (no guarantee of when):

  1. Add macros to action bars (configurable)