This Addon purpose is to offer raid leaders and guild masters a tool to keep tracks of your raid improvement gap. Performer lists the characters in your guild with max level and let you select for each of them what could be improved (DPS, focus, mitigation...).
Once the auditor has selected the point of improvement for a character, it is shared with the player in real time. The auditor can also share with all guild members a title for the character.
What may be next?
- Sharing points of improvements with other players -> Done! (Please send me feedback!)
- New Titles and new points of improvement (currently discussed with my guild mates)
- New points of improvement and titles added (Please send me feedback!)
- Improved UI to consider the character class and role -> Done
- Free text field to explain further to the player what can be improved and how -> Done (only one line for now)
- General tips considering the character class and role -> Todo (maybe... other AddOns and WebSites do it better than me...)
Type /performer to show Performer window.