Persistence of Chattiness


Normally pressing Enter brings back the last non-numbered chat type, like /g or /s. This addon makes the chat system remember the numbered channels as well, so that once you start talking on (say) channel /8, pressing Enter will default to /8. This is called making those channels sticky.

It's a truly trivial addon, but I wanted it to happen automatically instead of running a /script macro every time I logged in. Claiming credit for this would just be embarassing. :-)

Starting in WoW 3.3.5, whispers became sticky by default. This addon restores old behavior and makes them not sticky. If you would like whispers to again be sticky, then open the POC.lua file in Notepad or Wordpad or whatever, and make the simple change described in the instructions there.

If you do not like the new Friends button stuck to the chat window, this addon can also remove that. Open the Lua file as described above.

The name, of course, is inspired by the famous Dali painting, which is itself named after a phenomenon happening inside your eyes.