

Allows you to create a shiny autocast overlay for macros that control a pet skill.

If you have any problem with PetOverlay, please post a comment or email me (my address can be found on the About Me page of my Curse profile).

To use, include the following in your macro:

   #pet skillname

Where 'skillname' is the name of a skill, such as:

   #pet Dash

This will add an autocast overlay showing you the status of the 'Dash' skill. To make a macro act like a normal pet skill button, be sure to include a /petautocasttoggle command on right click, such as:

   #showtooltip Dash
   #pet Dash
   /petautocasttoggle [button:2]Dash
   /cast [nobutton:2]Dash

The #pet command can accept macro modifiers like [mod:shift]. The following would allow you to control both Growl and Dash depending on whether or not you are holding shift:

   #pet [mod:shift]Dash;Growl
   /petautocasttoggle [button:2,mod:shift]Dash;[button:2]Growl
   /cast [button:1,mod:shift]Dash;[button:1]Growl

PetOverlay 2.0 now includes support for showing pet stance and pet movement buttons:

   #petstance Passive

Pet stance macros also support macro conditionals:

   #petstance [mod:ctrl]Follow;[mod:shift]Stay;Passive
   /petfollow [mod:ctrl]
   /petstay [mod:shift]
   /petpassive [nomod]

A macro can contain either #pet or #petstance but not both.