- 1
Issue doing quest [Eye See You]
#8 opened by gizzmo - 2
PW is summoning a pet I don't have selected as a fav
#9 opened by tflo - 2
Invalid json syntax in release.json
#1 opened by QartemisT - 1
Asset ZIP is invalid
#2 opened by QartemisT - 6
`release.json` is malformed
#3 opened by layday - 1
Please share your working Paragon version
#4 opened by vince2paname - 25
Character Specific Favorites
#5 opened by Syrusel - 3
All Pets: Eligible Pets: 2 ...
#6 opened by ThistleProse - 14
Tries to summon faction specific pets as opposite faction.
#7 opened by gizzmo - 2
PetWalker cancelling my spell cast?
#10 opened by tflo - 4
Stop auto summoning while remote-controlling toys
#11 opened by tflo - 10
Pets summoned from the action bar are not saved for restore
#12 opened by Maeyra - 6
Why won't it summon my favorite pet?
#13 opened by trilobots - 3
Can't set new pet for autosummoning
#14 opened by Akicita33 - 2
Per character favs not working correctly?
#15 opened by TheBentrick - 11
Add alert / verbose message when newly summoned pet becomes saved pet
#16 opened by opussf - 1
Radio Button presets
#17 opened by opussf