


Direct key bindings for your spells and macros.
[DE] Direkttastenbelegungen für Eure Zauber und Makros.
[ES] Asignaciones de teclas directas para tus hechizos y macros.
[FR] Raccourcis directs pour vos sorts et macros.
[IT] Assegnazioni di tasti diretti per i vostri incantesimi e macro.
[PT] Teclas de atalho diretas para seus feitiços e macros.
[RU] Прямые назначения клавиш для ваших заклинаний и макросов.

Unlike some similar addons, it does not provide a special, separate UI for setting bindings. All bindings are done right in your spellbook or macro UI.

  1. Open your spellbook or macro UI.
  2. Click the new button at the bottom of the window (labelled "Start Binding").
  3. Hover over the spell or macro you want to bind.
  4. Press the key (or combination of keys) you want to bind to the spell or macro.
  5. Click the button again (now labelled "Stop Binding") or just close the window.

To remove a binding, hover over the spell or macro and press the Esc key. If you bind a key to a spell or macro that already has a binding, the old binding will be removed. If you bind a key that was alreadybound to a different spell or macro, the other spell or macro will be unbound. Multiple bindings for a single spell or macro are not supported. Bindings are stored on a per-character basis. There are no options.

Inspired by the old Macaroon Spell Binder. Currently, items are not supported in PhanxBind as I never used this feature in Macaroon, but if you have a strong need to bind items and a good reason why you can't use a macro, feel free to convince me.

Language Support

  • Works in all languages.
  • UI translated into English, Deutsch, Español, Français, Italiano, Português, and Русский.


Please don't PM me on Curse -- I rarely log into this site, so PMs here will not be answered promptly or at all.

If you are reporting a bug, please first make sure you have the latest version from this page, and then include detailed instructions I can follow to reproduce the bug myself, whether the bug still happens when all other addons are disabled, and the exact text of the accompanying error message (if any).