


PhanxChat removes chat frame clutter and adds some functionality

DE: Unordnung des Chatfenster verstecken, und einige Funktionen hinzufügen.
ES: Eliminar desorden de la ventana de chat y añadir algunas funciones.
FR: Retire les restrictions du chat et ajoute quelques fonctionnalités.
PT: Remover a desordem da janela de bate-papo e adicionar algumas funcionalidades.
RU: Удаляет беспорядок в окне чата и добавляет новые возможности.
CN: 移除聊天框的杂物并加入一些功能。
TW: 移除聊天框架的雜亂並新增一些功能。


  • Shortens chat channel names
  • Removes realm names from cross-realm player names
  • Replaces Real ID names and BattleTags with WoW character names
  • Shortens Real ID player names to first names or BattleTags
  • Enables shift-clicking on Real ID and BattleTag names to /who their character
  • Enables arrow keys in the chat edit box without holding down the Alt key
    As of Patch 5.4 using Up/Down to access previously entered chat lines without the Alt key is limited to non-secure commands only. If you need to access previously entered secure commands (like /cast or /use) you will still need to hold the Alt key.
  • Enables resizing chat frames by any edge
  • Makes all chat channels “sticky”
    If a channel is sticky, then after you type into it, the edit box will open to the same channel again, rather than making you type “/g” or “/ra” again.
  • Makes URLs clickable for easy copying
  • Moves the input box to the top of the chat frame
  • Changes how long chat messages stay visible before fading out
  • Stops docked chat tabs from being dragged unless Shift is held down
  • Hides the scroll, menu, and social buttons
  • Hides some extra textures on chat frames (restores pre-Patch 3.3.5 appearance)
  • Hides the flashing effect on chat tabs
  • Hides channel notification messages
  • Hides repeated messages in public channels

Options & Commands

  • Type /pchat for options, or find them in the Interface Options window.
  • Type /pchat clear to clear all chat windows.
  • Type /tt" or “/wt to send a whisper to your current target.

Language Support


If you are reporting a bug, please first make sure you have the latest version from this page, and then include detailed instructions I can follow to reproduce the bug myself, whether the bug still happens when all other addons are disabled, and the exact text of the accompanying error message (if any).

If you are requesting a new feature, please make sure it is not on the list of intentionally excluded features first.