



In many boss fights, determining the point at which a phase switch happens or how long the current phase will last is a crucial part of beating the encounter. That's where PhaseX comes into play. It's goal is to help managing the phases during the fight. This is done by visualizing the phases as a percentage bar with multiple (overlapping) layers, giving information about the progress in the current phase aswell as the estimated duration left until the phase ends. The layers use distinguishable colors, you might know these kind of "boss health bars" from a few other RPGs.

The addon is currently in beta, since a few bosses need more testing.


  • Phase visualization for boss encounters with a multi-layered bar (with distinguishable colors)
  • Shows the current phase
  • Shows the (estimated) progress throughout the phase as a percentage
  • Shows the (estimated) time left until the current phase ends
  • Currently supports the Hellfire Citadel (HFC) bosses, with the latter fights still being tested
  • Basic support for unknown boss encounters (as long as the boss raid frames are used)

In-Game Commands (new)

  • /phasex - Shows a list of available commands.
  • /phasex reset - Resets the configuration to default values.
  • /phasex boss - Toggles if the frame should be shown for all fights or for boss fights only.
  • /phasex unlock - Unlocks the PhaseX frame to move it around.
  • /phasex lock - Locks the PhaseX frame in the current position.
  • /phasex height <newsize> - Gets the current height of the PhaseX frame or sets a new height.
  • /phasex width <newsize> - Gets the current width of the PhaseX frame or sets a new width.
  • /phasex textsize <newsize> - Gets the current text size of the PhaseX frame or sets a new text size.

Supported Boss Encounters

Hellfire Assault (HFC) - Working

  • Single phase, based on health of Hellfire Door

Iron Reaver (HFC) - Working

  • Alternating phases
  • Phase 1 (Ground Operations), based on boss energy fill-up
  • Phase 2 (Air Operations), based on time

Kormrok (HFC) - Working

  • Single Phase, based on boss health

Hellfire High Council (HFC) - Mostly working

  • Alternating phases
  • Phase 1 (no boss enraged), showing the lowest health on any boss until enrage
  • Phase 2 (at leas one boss enraged), showing the highest health on any enraged boss

Kilrogg Deadeye (HFC) - Working

  • Single phase, based on boss health

Gorefiend (HFC) - Working

  • Alternating phases
  • Phase 1 (Shadow of Death), based on boss energy drain
  • Phase 2 (Feast of Souls), based on boss energy fill-up

Shadow-Lord Iskar (HFC) - Working

  • Phase 1 (Grounded 1), based on boss health
  • Phase 2 (Shadow Escape 1), based on time
  • Phase 3 (Grounded 2), based on boss health
  • Phase 4 (Shadow Escape 2), based on time
  • Phase 5 (Grounded 3), based on boss health
  • Phase 6 (Shadow Escape 3), based on time
  • Phase 7 (Grounded 4), based on boss health

Soulbound Construct (HFC) - Tested, more construct fixes

  • Alternating phases
  • Phase 1 (Soulbound Construct), based on construct health
  • Phase 2 (Socrethar and the Sargerei), based on construct health

Tyrant Velhari (HFC) - Working

  • Phase 1 (Oppression), based on boss health
  • Phase 2 (Contempt), based on boss health
  • Phase 3 (Malice), based on boss health

Fel Lord Zakuun (HFC) - Working, new phase detection in testing

  • Mixed phases (1 & 2 alternating, then switching to 3)
  • Phase 1 (Armed), based on time
  • Phase 2 (Disarmed), based on time
  • Phase 3 (Enrage), based on boss health

Xhul'horac (HFC) - Working

  • Phase 1 (The Legion's Flame), based on boss health
  • Phase 2 (Grasp of the Void), based on boss health
  • Phase 3 (The Shadowfel Amalgamation), based on boss health
  • Phase 4 (Tearing Apart), based on boss health

Mannoroth (HFC) - Working

  • Phase 1 (The Legion's Might), based on combined health of adds
  • Phase 2 (The Resurrection), based on boss health
  • Phase 3 (True Power), based on boss health
  • Phase 4 (EMPOWERMENT!), based on boss health

Archimonde (HFC) - Working, Mythic phase not implemented yet

  • Phase 1 (The Defiler), based on boss health
  • Phase 2 (The Defiler & Desecrate), based on boss health
  • Phase 3 (Hand of the Legion), based on boss health
  • Phase 4 (Hand of the Legion & Vanguards of the Legion), based on boss health
  • Phase 5 (The Twisting Nether), based on boss health
  • Phase 6 (The Twisting Nether & Rain of Chaos), based on boss health

To Do

  • More boss testing
  • [low priority] Add support for older raid tiers (currently only HFC supported)


  • 0.11: Fixed Council/Zakuun/Socrethar. Checked Iskar.
  • 0.10: Added commands to configure the addon from within the game. Added persistent configuration storage per character
  • 0.9: Adjusted phase switch for possible boss healing, tested more bosses, fixed some bosses
  • 0.8: Tested on first 8 HFC bosses (up til Shadow-Lord Iskar, Soulbound Construct), fixed errors
  • 0.7: Added calculations and mechanics for HFC boss encounters based on boss guides
  • 0.6: Broke down code to multiple files and refactored functions to ease fixing and development, allowing different calculations for different fights
  • 0.5: Modified visibility to only show the bar during boss encounters which make use of the boss raid frames
  • 0.4: Modified to multi-layer bar to support multiple phases during a fight
  • 0.3: Adjusted bar visibility based on player status (combat/non-combat)
  • 0.2: Added timer to show the estimated end of the phase
  • 0.1: Phase bar based on health