Pin Notes

Pin Notes


This addon allows you to create in-game groups of text notes attached to the borders of the screen, they can be opened and closed with a simple click on their pin and can be freely dragged around the border of the screen.
The notes are multiline, you can add new lines by using the Enter key and Leave the edit mode by using the Escape key

Type /pin to open the mainframe
You can add/remove groups by using the (+) and (-) buttons on the topright corner of the groups list
Groups can be renamed by double-clicking on them in the list

Groups have a visibility parameter that can be set to "Show / Hide / Custom"

  • Show means that the group is always shown, no matter which character you are using
  • Hide means that the group is always hidden
  • Custom visibility means that their notes are shown based on the settings you set in the "Visibility" tab

The "Notes" tab shows the contents of the selected group, letting you add/remove notes as you wish

The individual settings of each note like size and color can be found in the note settings frame, opened by Right-Clicking on their pin and then "Settings"