PLM LootManager

PLM LootManager


- Plaffs-LootManager -

"A simple +1 Loot Addon"

## WoW Addon for 3.3.5

The manual commands are;

`/plm add Plaffers` - Increases Plaffers score by the current increment value (found in Options).
`/plm set Plaffers 9` - Set Plaffers score to 9
`/plm reset` - Hard reset on scores. Removing everyones current score and setting it to 0.
`/plm enable` - If you decide not to use PLM, declining it's popup request, you would have to run this command to enable it.
`/plm show` - To bring the UI up if you closed it (it automatically shows when you open the drop-table on a mob).

About the UI:
- [x]-button on the main LootFrame (Plaffs - LootManager title) will minimize the addon. (It will still run in the background if a roll has been initiated.)
- [x]-button in the RollFrame (where the item will be distributed from) will end the current roll. If you close it while a roll is initiated (but not finished), it will abort the current roll and print a message in the chat, letting everyone know.

- [o]-button on the main LootFrame opens the Options panel.
- [<<]-button on the main LootFrame toggles the score-list on and off (hiding it if you feel like it's cluttered).
- [reset scores]-button on the Scores-Frame will make a /plm reset-command and reset everyones scores.

After modifying a players score - either by manually setting the score or simply handing an item out that gave score, you will get a popup asking you do reload. This is necessary to keep the database in case of a disconnect (Ascension you know). You don't HAVE to do it every time, but its common practice to actually do it after you've given every item out from a boss/random drop.

***Please note that the addon is made specifically for +1 Loot through MasterLooter, but it can be used for normal rolls aswell if you set the MS & OS score increment to 0 in options!***

***As the scores are persistent, make sure you reset it when you have a new group - otherwise you will start where you last left it!***

### Loot Table and Scores

Loot Table and Scores
### Rolling item

Rolling item
### Chat output

Chat output
### Winner frame

Winner frame
### Options
