Plater Nameplates

Plater Nameplates


Thousands of "splitbar" lib errors in Arena Skirms

ZINK-ZINK opened this issue · 8 comments


Getting this error I think every frame while in combat in Arena Skirmishes. I've tried the release and Alpha builds and deleting everything except the WTF files and it still persists.

418x Plater/libs/DF/split_bar.lua:509: bad argument #1 to 'SetValue' (must be a finite number - Usage: self:SetValue(value))
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetValue'
[string "@Plater/libs/DF/split_bar.lua"]:509: in function <Plater/libs/DF/split_bar.lua:497>
[string "@Plater/libs/DF/split_bar.lua"]:532: in function <Plater/libs/DF/split_bar.lua:527>

(*temporary) = DetailsFrameworkSplitbar367797 {
0 =
lefticon = DetailsFrameworkSplitbar367797_IconLeft {
OnBackdropLoaded = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:152
righticon = DetailsFrameworkSplitbar367797_IconRight {
GetBackdropColor = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:390
SetupTextureCoordinates = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:214
OnBackdropSizeChanged = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:182
HasBackdropInfo = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:278
SetBackdropBorderColor = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:422
texture = DetailsFrameworkSplitbar367797_StatusBarTexture {
GetEdgeSize = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:188
spark = DetailsFrameworkSplitbar367797_Spark {
MyObject =

righttext = DetailsFrameworkSplitbar367797_TextRight {
ApplyBackdrop = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:294
SetBackdrop = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:329
ClearBackdrop = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:282
lefttext = DetailsFrameworkSplitbar367797_TextLeft {
GetBackdropBorderColor = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:409
GetBackdrop = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:347
rightTexture = DetailsFrameworkSplitbar367797_StatusBarTextureRight {
SetupPieceVisuals = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:246
SetBackdropColor = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:399
background = DetailsFrameworkSplitbar367797_StatusBarBackground {
SetBorderBlendMode = defined @SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:266
(*temporary) = Infinite
(*temporary) = "must be a finite number - Usage: self:SetValue(value)"


man you're fast lol, thank you, once the servers come back up I'll test em


Just did a Skirmish with no errors so it seems likely fixed. Though with the new versions something /framestack is calling DetailsOnlineCDs started showing up that lists all my CDs. Not sure if you meant to include that in the build.


I was just browsing Reddit and happened upon this thread. This post isn't me, but I'm 99% sure this is the exact same bug/mysterious CD frame that I saw. I only saw my own, but I never grouped until I had gotten rid of it. I reached out to them already to make sure it's the same bug, but no idea if/when they'll answer.


I can't get on atm to take a screenshot, but I can later if that helps. It was a small burgundy colored column of bars for each of my personal DPS Cooldowns (like Summon Gargoyle and Army of the Dead). I assumed they were a new alpha-stage ExRT-style CD tracker, but they never actually changed to started a timer, they were just static bars with the names of my CDs. I could drag the little box of bars around my screen, but couldn't find a way to hide them or change settings.

I quickly figured out a janky fix that has worked so far: I simply deleted the file "window_cdtracker.lua" from the Details>Frames folder. That made the new mysterious frame disappear. Deleting that file also causes 2 errors every login, but they don't repeat and haven't seemed to cause any problems so far.

Here's the errors (straight from the Buggrabber.lua file since I can't log on atm to copy the better formatted errors), they only occur because I hard-deleted a file, but imo they probably point you in the right direction.

["errors"] = {
["message"] = "Interface\FrameXML\Bindings.xml:75 Error loading Interface/AddOns/Details/frames/window_cdtracker.lua",
["time"] = "2022/11/22 09:43:18",
["session"] = 383,
["counter"] = 1,
}, -- [1]
["message"] = "Interface\FrameXML\Bindings.xml:1 Interface\FrameXML\Bindings.xml:75 Error loading Interface/AddOns/Details/frames/window_cdtracker.lua",
["time"] = "2022/11/22 09:43:18",
["session"] = 383,
["counter"] = 1,
}, -- [2]


oh and I forgot to mention that the "CDtracker" of a few burgundy bars was just always there 24/7 from the moment I started using the fixed versions of Plater and Details you posted. It just sat there on my screen doing nothing, a lot like the "blizzard bug report" button on beta that you can move around, but never 100% get rid of. Deleting that file was the only way I could figure out to get it to stop showing up 100% of the time.


@Tercioo any input here or can this be closed?