- 3
WoW Classic Era Update [Version 1.14.4]
#184 opened by maximus210793 - 5
Transparency with "Out of Range + Isn't Your Target" is bugged
#185 opened by orblazer - 1
IsSpellInRange(); lua error - Plater-v569-Retail - DF v482 - 10.2.0
#186 opened by Larsy93 - 5
Healer spec (druid/sham) transparency issues on range check
#187 opened by gollumeo - 8
Plater-v570-2-g6665567-Retail-DF-v482-10.2.0 LUA Errors
#188 opened by IIeTpoc - 1
Enemy players not showing cast bar
#189 opened by rgmelkor - 1
Favorite colors
#192 opened by YetAnotherDevWannabe - 1
Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:3981: attempt to index local 'configInfo' (a nil value)
#191 opened by AufkleberDraufkleber - 2
Channeled not showing on SOD classic
#193 opened by olepg - 0
Add warning on friendly player nameplate customization limitations.
#195 opened by physixtential - 3
[Feature Request] Make Friendly NPCs displayed based on Client's NPC Names setting
#194 opened by mx2k - 6
Buff special "Show Timer" toggle doesn't work
#182 opened by BlartVersenwald - 1
Wrong powerbar width, there are already multiple versions
#183 opened by LeonardTao - 3
LUA Errors 10.2.7
#204 opened by heftyweizen - 2
Issue with Masque and Plater
#205 opened by Elitesparkle - 1
[Feature Request] filter aura based on NPCID
#206 opened by LeonardTao - 5
Plater keeps getting disabled on login
#207 opened by selenelunaedge - 5
Ghost Auras throwing error
#209 opened by AngelosNaoumis - 1
range indicator (transparency) does not work properly
#215 opened by Breakerzeus - 4
Grey bar showing above the targeted mob
#213 opened by jadinm - 3
Plater option menu trigger lua errors when clicking quickly
#214 opened by jadinm - 4
11.0.0 IsSpellBookItemInRange error
#211 opened by reiyooki - 2
May I ask how to resolve this error message
#219 opened by wunk88 - 5
Sticky Interact CVar issue
#217 opened by Yakehira - 4
Out of Range is bugged
#225 opened by bolieriniefu - 1
[BUG] Attempt to call global 'IsAddOnLoaded'
#221 opened by Rycia - 2
Plater Mod TotalRP3 Nameplates code throwing caught lua error for IsAddOnLoaded
#223 opened by icbat - 6
attempt to index local 'iconFrame'
#224 opened by Hyphie24 - 1
Add info about LibCustomGlow support in Plater_ScriptingPanels.lua
#228 opened by Caskol - 1
Hella sorry
#226 opened by Theguyxd - 1
Aura Lua Error
#227 opened by doadin - 2
recurring exception in combat
#232 opened by saggymac - 1
[Feature Request] Bulk update (NPC custom colors, etc)
#233 opened by mjannino - 1
[Feature Request] Disable "Buff Special" for friendly nameplates
#234 opened by RealJig - 0
[Feature Request] Add `Color When Playing as TANK` option for friendly tank-like NPCs
#237 opened by 10hendersonm - 11
[Feature Request] Buff special stack count x/y offset.
#235 opened by TheDescender - 1
"Quick hide on death" causes nameplate to dissapear on certain mobs
#236 opened by silverwind - 2
Debuffs not being tracked on small targets
#243 opened by itcotta - 3
Debuff Graphics Not Displaying Correctly
#245 opened by ComfortableDoug - 1
How can i empty the mod trash box.
#246 opened by silversaltstudio - 1
Is the head/feet nameplate anchor taken out of the game?
#249 opened by wwbrandon - 2
Demoralizing Roar shows as CC on cata classic
#248 opened by lordblackadder - 0
Minor inconsistencies with interrupt behavior in castbar
#251 opened by linaori - 1
Plater doesn't have all strings localized
#253 opened by anon1231823 - 3
FPS drop and stutter
#259 opened by doubledgedboard - 2
Disable "Friendly Player" module didn't work
#255 opened by ccorzlol - 3
Attempted Plater Function Overrides Throw Protected Function Error
#256 opened by davidcooper1 - 3
Plater nameplate bar not lined up
#257 opened by anon1231823 - 2
No options for "Range Check by Yards - Enemy" on Unholy Death Knight
#260 opened by Nymarra - 2
Friendly NPC Title/Profession displayed on
#261 opened by BaronessRuby