Plater Nameplates

Plater Nameplates


May I ask how to resolve this error message

wunk88 opened this issue · 2 comments


Message: Interface/AddOns/Plater/Plater_Auras.lua:1126: invalid order function for sorting
Time: Sun Aug 11 16:10:59 2024
Count: 1659
Stack: Interface/AddOns/Plater/Plater_Auras.lua:1126: invalid order function for sorting
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Plater/Plater_Auras.lua"]:1126: in function AlignAuraFrames'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Plater/Plater.lua"]:6365: in function <Interface/AddOns/Plater/Plater.lua:6182>

Locals: self = NamePlate34PlaterUnitFrameBuffFrame2 {
unitFrame = NamePlate34PlaterUnitFrame {
amountAurasShown = 4
NextAuraIcon = 5
isNameplate = true
namePlateUnitReaction = 5
HasDebuff = false
unit = "nameplate4"
HasBuff = true
healthBar = NamePlate34PlaterUnitFrameHealthBar {
FadeAnimation = AnimationGroup {
AuraCache =

Name = "Secondary"
BuffFrame1 = NamePlate34PlaterUnitFrameBuffFrame1 {
PlaterBuffList =
profile =
focus_as_target_alpha = false
ui_parent_buff_special_level = 10
aura_breakline_space = 4
aura_show_only_short_dispellable_on_players = true
npcs_renamed =
saved_cvars_last_change =
url = ""
hover_highlight = true
blizzard_nameplate_font_override_enabled = false
show_shield_prediction = true
aura_border_thickness_personal = 1
indicator_raidmark_scale = 0.750000
stacking_nameplates_enabled = true
aura2_y_offset = 39.589996
spell_animations_scale = 1.250000
aura_timer_text_anchor =
extra_icon_caster_size = 8
buffs_on_aura2 = true
health_selection_overlay = "11StripesOverlay2"
expansion_triggerwipe =
show_aggro_glow = true
cast_statusbar_color_nointerrupt =
show_interrupt_author = true
bossmod_support_bars_enabled = false
hide_blizzard_castbar = false
extra_icon_cooldown_reverse = true
health_cutoff_extra_glow = false
use_ui_parent_just_enabled = false
npc_cache =
extra_icon_timer_decimals = false
aura_cooldown_reverse = true
indicator_anchor =
hide_name_on_game_objects = true
health_selection_overlay_alpha = 0.300000
aura_stack_shadow_color =
minor_height_scale = 1.000000
culling_distance = 100
reopoen_options_panel_on_tab = false
blizzard_nameplate_large_font_outline = "OUTLINE"
blizzard_nameplate_font_outline = "OUTLINE"
aura_padding = 3.500000
indicator_worldboss = true
last_news_time = 1652261772
range_check_power_bar_alpha_friendlies = 1
cast_statusbar_fadeout_time = 0.500000
aura_stack_shadow_color_offset =
aura_stack_size = 8
cast_audiocue_cooldown = 0.250000
aura_timer_decimals = false
range_check_health_bar_alpha = 1
aura_height2 = 15
aura_show_crowdcontrol = true
castbar_target_shadow_color_offset =
cast_colors =
health_cutoff = true
aura_border_colors =
ui_parent_cast_strata = "BACKGROUND"
class_colors =
enable_masque_support = false
show_healthbars_on_softinteract = true
extra_icon_anchor =
extra_icon_wide_icon = false
ui_parent_buff2_strata = "BACKGROUND"
use_playerclass_color = true
range_check_alpha = 0.800000
semver = "1.1.7"
aura_border_thickness = 1
health_cutoff_hide_divisor = false
aura_frame2_anchor =
use_name_translit = false
cast_statusbar_texture = "A04"
auto_toggle_friendly =
indicator_faction = false
castbar_icon_x_offset = 0
show_softinteract_icons = true
debuff_show_cc = true
show_healthbars_on_not_attackable = false
extra_icon_show_purge = true
transparency_behavior = 4
spell_animations = true
debuff_show_cc_border =
aura_consolidate = true
shadowMode = 1
auto_toggle_combat_enabled = false
extra_icon_width = 13
health_statusbar_texture = "A04"
hook_auto_imported =
extra_icon_border_color =
minor_width_scale = 1.000000
castbar_target_text_size = 11
captured_spells =
aura_frame1_anchor =
range_check_cast_bar_alpha_friendlies =Game and Plater version
Which is the game version and Plater version you're using?
Full /plater version output please.

Describe the bug

  • Steps to Reproduce (what did you do to make the bug happen):

  • Result (what happens when you follow the steps above):

  • Expected (what you think the expected behavior would be when following the steps):

  • When the bug started (a date, wow path release, details update, etc)?

  • Additional information:

Lua Error
Post here lua errors, if you aren't getting any, use /console scriptErrors 1

Post images of the bug if necessary.

Other Information
If necessary, add more info here.

Is there an error in which module or script?


You have not filled in any of the requested information. Please do so.
From a first guess: a broken aura reorder mod.


It's indeed the issue you mentioned, thank you
The problem has been resolved