Plater Nameplates

Plater Nameplates


Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:3981: attempt to index local 'configInfo' (a nil value)

AufkleberDraufkleber opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Game and Plater version
Plater-v571-Retail - DF v490 - 10.2.0

Describe the bug
When i log in i get the error while still being in the loading screen.

After /reload-ing the interface the error goes away for a while and sometimes comes back during combat or during loading screens. It seems kinda random to be honest.

I can't find a way to reliably make it pop.

There is nothing changing in the interface and everything seems to work fine. It's just filling up my bugsack error log.

  • Additional information:

Lua Error

18x Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:3981: attempt to index local 'configInfo' (a nil value)
[string "@Plater/libs/DF/loadconditions.lua"]:221: in function `PassLoadFilters'
[string "@Plater/Plater.lua"]:11609: in function `CompileHook'
[string "@Plater/Plater.lua"]:10916: in function `CompileAllScripts'
[string "@Plater/Plater.lua"]:11346: in function `WipeAndRecompileAllScripts'
[string "@Plater/Plater.lua"]:4045: in function <Plater/Plater.lua:4043>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `xpcall'
[string "@Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua"]:3750: in function `QuickDispatch'
[string "@Plater/libs/DF/loadconditions.lua"]:161: in function <Plater/libs/DF/loadconditions.lua:121>

self = <table> {
 CooldownToClass = <table> {
 CreateFrameContainer = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/containers.lua:484
 SavePositionOnScreen = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/panel.lua:2234
 CreateTabContainer = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/tabcontainer.lua:262
 IsUnitTapDenied = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:4539
 internalFunctions = <table> {
 NewLabel = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/label.lua:306
 SavedVars = <table> {
 AdjustmentSliderOptions = <table> {
 BuildStatusbarAuthorInfo = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/panel.lua:4559
 PanelCounter = 17022
 PictureNameCounter = 17027
 Mixin = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:2605
 LabelNameCounter = 17025
 CreateTextureInfo = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:1242
 DefaultMetaFunctionsSet = <table> {
 GetCurrentSpec = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:3702
 alias_text_colors = <table> {
 ScriptHookMixin = <table> {
 UnitFrameFunctions = <table> {
 BackdropUtil = <table> {
 CreateFontListGenerator = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/dropdown.lua:1099
 CreateCastBar = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/unitframe.lua:1875
 CreateGlowOverlay = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:3103
 ShowPanicWarning = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/panel.lua:1867
 UnitGroupRolesAssigned = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:243
 SetAutoCompleteWithSpells = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/auras.lua:1199
 ShowTutorialAlertFrame = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:2077
 CooldownsExternals = <table> {
 GetSpecializationRole = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:309
 SpecListByClass = <table> {
 CreateHealthBar = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/unitframe.lua:445
 StatusBarFunctions = <table> {
 button_templates = <table> {
 HeaderMixin = <table> {
 FrameMixin = <table> {
 SplitTextInLines = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:828
 ColorPick = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/panel.lua:1498
 CreateSwitch = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/slider.lua:933
 font_templates = <table> {
 embeds = <table> {
 SetAnchor = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:1902
 GetDefaultBackdropColor = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:73
 trim = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:1352
 NewSplitBar = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/split_bar.lua:716
 LayeredRegionMetaFunctionsSet = <table> {
 FindClassForCooldown = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/spells.lua:1270
 ChartFrameMixin = <table> {
 TooltipHandlerMixin = <table> {
 DebugVisibility = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:4793
 BuildDropDownFontList = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/dropdown.lua:990
 MakeStringFromSpellId = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:1177
 BarNameCounter = 17022
 CreateTexture = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/picture.lua:251
 SetFontShadow = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:1095
 CreateOptionsFrame = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:2106
 SetEnvironment = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:4775
 Dispatch = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:3765
 CoreDispatch = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:3793
 MapRangeUnclamped = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/math.lua:156
 GetBestFontPathForLanguage = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/fw.lua:2258
 GetAllPlayerSpells = <function> defined @Plater/libs/DF/auras.lua:1182
 GroupIterator = 

I think this error is cut off somehow.
I'm using bugsack but can't find a way to make it show the whole error message.


Thank you fir the report. Should be fixed with the latest alpha version.