Plater Nameplates

Plater Nameplates


Plater colors for horde and ally

mrlinuxdude opened this issue ยท 9 comments


How can i change my colors for horde text name. I was able to do it with ally on my main toon but when i go to horde there are no colors. I have looked in the FAQs and could find how to set the colors for horde when i switch toons not working


I don't quite understand the issue. Some screenshots would probably help.


Like when you see the characters,toons name. color for that. ally and horde when i change color on ally side then go on my horde toon the color is not there shows white text. There should be easier way for colors change bothsides races


I am still not 100% sure about what you mean, please include a screenshot of the settings you adjusted and the nameplates.


There should be easier way for colors change bothsides races?


If you don't include requested screenshots you can consider this issue closed.


i will get back to you with the screenshots



OK here is the screenshot. As you can see I have alliance as blue. and Horde is on the right with no color name. I want to make it red. So its alliance blue Horde red.


Can't be done. Blizzard does not provide nameplates for enemy faction in sanctuaries.
The other way around is the same: if you're horde, the opposing players won't get nameplates and always display the small default blizzard names.

Edit: in pvp scenario where nameplates are shown, you'd need a mod to change the names when viewed from both factions.
