Plater colors for horde and ally
mrlinuxdude opened this issue ยท 9 comments
How can i change my colors for horde text name. I was able to do it with ally on my main toon but when i go to horde there are no colors. I have looked in the FAQs and could find how to set the colors for horde when i switch toons not working
Like when you see the characters,toons name. color for that. ally and horde when i change color on ally side then go on my horde toon the color is not there shows white text. There should be easier way for colors change bothsides races
I am still not 100% sure about what you mean, please include a screenshot of the settings you adjusted and the nameplates.
Can't be done. Blizzard does not provide nameplates for enemy faction in sanctuaries.
The other way around is the same: if you're horde, the opposing players won't get nameplates and always display the small default blizzard names.
Edit: in pvp scenario where nameplates are shown, you'd need a mod to change the names when viewed from both factions.