Plater Nameplates

Plater Nameplates


Plater / Details error adjusting skins and text fonts/color

ala75 opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Game and Plater version
Plater version: v9.0.1.309-retail
Game version v9.0.1

Game and Details! version
Details! version: R7908
Game version v9.0.1

Describe the bug

  • Steps to Reproduce (what did you do to make the bug happen):

First thanks for the great addon and all the efforts of the team.

I made my UI from scratch for the pre-patch. Problems with details started setting it up with plater nameplates enabled (configured that addon first).

I have 2 errors which i have posted also on the details GIT as issues #122 and #123. Error posted here is identical as issue #123 on the Details GIT

Error is being produced while configuring Details!:
Error starts when choosing different skin for bars and changing the font color in for example the title bar menu in Details!. Same thing happends when adjusting in the Statusbar menu: adjusting Color and transparancy, editing text color in the micro displays (cogwheel). When set the text color to white (255,255,255) the bar turn green and errors start popping up related to plater and details.

Even after disabeling details the error will still popup for plater. Before the installation of details there was no error with plater. I have to put a backup from WTF back (from before details installation) to stop the plater error.

  • Expected (what you think the expected behavior would be when following the steps):

  • When the bug started (a date, wow path release, details update, etc)?

Fresh wow retail installation (pre-patch) with elvui, plater and details. Addons are all up to date.

  • Additional information:

I will post my details and Plater config file from WTF at the bottem

Lua Error

1x Plater\Plater-Plater-v9.0.1.309-Retail.lua:8586: attempt to index local 'platerRules' (a boolean value)
[string "@plater\Plater-Plater-v9.0.1.309-Retail.lua"]:8586: in function <Plater\Plater.lua:8552>

fromInit = nil
platerThemeName = "Plater Nameplates Theme"
platerRuleName = "Plater Nameplates Rule"
platerTheme =

textStyles =
fontFace = "Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF"
timerOffset = 0
drawSwipes = true
scaleText = true
tenthsDuration = 0
fontOutline = "OUTLINE"
minSize = 0.500000
mmSSDuration = 0
enableText = true
effect = "pulse"
yOff = 0
xOff = 0
fontSize = 18
fontShadow =
minEffectDuration = 30
minDuration = 2
anchor = "CENTER"
platerRules = false
(*temporary) = defined @details\Libs\DF\fw.lua:286
(*temporary) =
4 =
(*temporary) = 0
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 0
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'platerRules' (a boolean value)"
DF =
CooldownToClass =
ClassCache =
SavePositionOnScreen = defined @details\Libs\DF\panel.lua:2137
CreateTabContainer = defined @details\Libs\DF\panel.lua:3898
IsUnitTapDenied = defined @details\Libs\DF\fw.lua:3982
CancelTimer = defined @arkinventory\Externals\Ace3\AceTimer\AceTimer-3.0.lua:147
NewLabel = defined @details\Libs\DF\label.lua:275
BuildStatusbarAuthorInfo = defined @details\Libs\DF\panel.lua:6943
PanelCounter = 338783
IconPick = defined @details\Libs\DF\panel.lua:1515
debug = false
LabelNameCounter = 338940
GetCurrentSpec = defined @details\Libs\DF\fw.lua:3303
alias_text_colors =
HidaAllBarrasInfo = defined @details\frames\window_playerbreakdown.lua:420
UnitFrameFunctions =
ScheduleTimer = defined @arkinventory\Externals\Ace3\AceTimer\AceTimer-3.0.lua:94
CreateCastBar = defined @details\Libs\DF\panel.lua:8541
RegisterScriptComm = defined @details\Libs\DF\fw.lua:3924
ShowPanicWarning = defined @details\Libs\DF\panel.lua:1908
UnitGroupRolesAssigned = defined @details\Libs\DF\fw.lua:58
SetAutoCompleteWithSpells = defined @details\Libs\DF\auras.lua:1061
ShowTutorialAlertFrame = defined @details\Libs\DF\fw.lua:1886
CooldownsExternals =
GetSpecializationRole = defined @details\Libs\DF\fw.lua:94
SpecListByClass =
CreateHealthBar = defined @details\Libs\DF\panel.lua:7400
RunHooksForWidget = defined @details\Libs\DF\fw.lua:2275
GetDefaultColorList = defined @details\Libs\DF\colors.lua:170
button_templates =
CreateNewDropdownFrame = defined @details\Libs\DF\dropdown.lua:1137
ReskinSlider = defined @details\Libs\DF\fw.lua:3162
CriaNovaBarraInfo2 = defined @details\frames\window_playerbreakdown.lua:5771
ColorPick = defined @details\Libs\DF\panel.lua:1491
CreateSwitch = defined @details\Libs\DF\slider.lua:967
font_templates =
embeds =
SetAnchor = defined @details\Libs\DF\fw.lua:829
trim = defined @details\Libs\DF\fw.lua:597
NewSplitBar = defined @details\Libs\DF\split_bar.lua:590
GetSpecListFromClass = defined @details\Libs\DF\fw.lua:3757
FindClassForCooldown = defined @details\Libs\DF\spells.lua:883
FindHighestParent = defined @details\Libs\DF\panel.lua:3792
BuildDropDownFontList = defined @details\Libs\DF\dropdown.lua:903
HasHook = defined @details\Libs\DF\fw

Other Information: Details and Plater WTF settings file from saved variables

Plater: had to split the file due to size restrictions of pastbin:
plater WTF saved variable part 1 line 1-7504:
plater WTF saved variable part 2 line 7505-end:


It appears that OmniCC is still broken. Can you access your OmniCC options? Shows a blank page and resetting OmniCC options through deleting the SavedVariable OmniCC.lua seems to fix this.
The error seems to be closely related, I never experienced this, though.


Thank you for your quick response. Appears you are spot on! I could trigger the error again by just updating Details! to the latest release build. Even after disabeling Details! the error would persist on a reload/relog. I did some testing with a (working) backup of my settings (interface/WTF) to test what you suggested. When the error triggers i can still open OmniCC options. No visual abnormalities like a blank screen. What I did notice: Normaly there are 2 entries in the Theme section; Default and Plater Nameplates Themes. After a few seconds the Default dissapears and only the Plater nameplates Theme is shown. Did logout, deleted the omnicc Variables and logged back in. The error is not showing now. Did a couple of reloads and logouts and it seems to be temporarely solved.

This is the most weird interaction i have seen for a while between 3 addons. I never suspected something with OmniCC. Do you have a suggestion what to do next? Should I issue this on the OmniCC Git? Many thanks for you time and efforts


I cannot reproduce the issue with the broken options any longer, have you checked for updates of OmniCC?


i switched back to stock blizzard cooldown timers and the timers in the plater options. I will test again tomorrow with OmniCC again (birthday today :P)


Hi there,

Only had an hour to test it with OmniCC installed. I havent seen the error yet. Hardest thing (for all of us i guess) is to reproduce errors consistently. An hour of testing is not too much. I know that if Details! addon is updated it reproduces this error consistently. Unfortunately i don't have any pending update for it, have to wait on an Details! addon update to know for sure. My feeling for now is good though.

Main reason i had so little test time yet is that I found 2 other errors (bugs?) which i can reproduce 100% (that took most of my playtime) . One is with Details!, the other one Plater. I will post them on GIT later after work with steps/info and screenshots on how to reproduce them


Thanks for the feedback. If the error does not occur anymore, I'd close the ticket.


Yeah I agree close the ticket. For now it looks resolved. Thanks for the continuing support, much appreciated :)