PlusOne RollTracker

PlusOne RollTracker


PlusOne RollTracker

Simple addon that does a lot when you are the masterlooter.

Built in

- Items linked in RW starts a new roll
      - Clears the window of current rolls
      - Reacts to +1/MS/OS after itemlink to check the correct checkboxes
      - Assigns the linked item to "Current item being rolled on"

- Shiftclick someone in the roll list to award them the "Current item being rolled on"
- Rightclick: Ignore persons roll (sets it to 0)


- Autoloots everything below a rarity threshhold with exclusions
- Autolinks loot when its an epic or legendary in /raid

/plusone -- toggle frame
/plusone help -- list commands
/plusone stats -- shows current +1 stats
/plusone config -- opens interface options panel

Issues and problems should be posted over at